NNA - The Special Tribunal for Lebanon issued on Monday the following press release: "The Trial Chamber will hold a hearing on Tuesday 14 January 2014 to hear preliminary submissions from the Prosecution and counsel for Hassan Habib Merhi on the possible joinder of the case against Mr. Merhi with the Ayyash et al. case. Both cases relate to the 14 February 2005 attack which killed 22 individuals, including the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, and injured 226 others.
The hearing which will commence at 11:30 (Central European Time) will be held in public, but the judges may decide to go into closed session if confidential matters need to be discussed.
On 31 July 2013, the Pre-Trial Judge confirmed the indictment submitted by the Prosecutor against Mr. Merhi.
On 20 December 2013, The Trial Chamber issued a decision to try Mr. Merhi in absentia, which is permissible under Lebanese law.
On 30 December 2013, the Prosecution filed an application to the Trial Chamber in the Ayyash et al. case to join the two cases. On 2 January 2014, the Pre-Trial Judge referred to the Trial Chamber the possible joinder of the two cases, as requested by the Prosecution.
Journalists who would like to attend the hearing are requested to send an e-mail to stl-pressoffice@un.org by 4 PM today, Monday 13 January, indicating in the title ?Trial Chamber to hold a hearing on joinder of the Merhi case with the Ayyash et al. case?."