NNA - The Hague - The spokesman of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Martin Youssef, confirmed in response about the possibility of postponing the work of the Tribunal that "if the court annexed the file of the accused Hassan Habib Merhi to the case of the four accused, this certainly will be an opportunity and time for Merhi's lawyer to study the dossier, and this case is not considered a delay."
He explained that "the delay is when this file is not annexed to the case, especially with two dossiers dealing with the same crime."
Youssef asserted that "the judges are the only ones to take the appropriate court decision, not the politicians nor the press or the Lebanese people."
"They will decide based on the law and their oath to preserve the rights of victims and defendants and their free conscience," he pointed out.
Martin said listening to the witnesses would continue until early next week if need be, noting that the total number of witnesses is about five hundred.
Martin Youssef: Judges will decide with clear conscience
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