Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

05:22 pm


Make the "WOW Pledge" to support women entrepreneurship in Lebanon

The total number of women on the planet since 2013 is almost 3.6 Billion! Yet, the World Economic Forum reports that no nation has yet to achieve gender equality - depending on where we live, women only have access to 58-70% of the economic, educational, health and political resources and opportunities available to men.

Women's Entrepreneurship Day is an unparalleled leader in women's entrepreneurship every year from 2014 and beyond. Women's Entrepreneurship Day stars as a leading force for change and growth for women and their businesses.

The event becomes a mobilized network with a massive list of female business owners, entrepreneurs, change-makers, etc. who are future ambassadors of our partner brands. Event has major off-shoot potential via a touring speaking series, legislative and networking power, international support and recognition.

In attendance are top female leaders, CEO's, celebrities, media personalities, change-makers and entrepreneurs. Keynote speakers are internationally known, inspirational leaders in various fields. Attendees are invite-only picked from the future business leaders of tomorrow.

Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED) launches November 19, 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York during Global Entrepreneurship Week (, and in partnership with the U.S. State Department and 153 countries and their ambassadors worldwide.

WED is not only one day to "Empower, Support and Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide," but it's main objective is to be a strong leader in women's entrepreneurship annually from 2014 and beyond, implementing a number of key initiatives designed to support women worldwide and help them with their businesses all year long. Some of these initiatives explained elsewhere on the site here are the:
Certified Women in Business (CWB) bank certification program with a leading banking sponsor to identify and support women-owned or women-led businesses throughout the year.

Through these initiatives and the November 19th WED event, WED emerges as an empowering and inspiring force that supports women in business while also mobilizing a massive network of female business owners, entrepreneurs, change-makers, and members of the "action class," who then will rise as future ambassadors of our partner brands.

Our mission is to engage women and men globally to support women through our WOW pledge. WOW stands for Women on Wednesday and just as there is Small Business Saturday, Giving Tuesday, and Cyber Monday, both of which drive millions to these causes,  Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED) launches Women on Wednesday (#WomenWOW) the first Wednesday after Thanksgiving (December 3, 2014!) to drive millions to women-owned or women-led businesses.

To support and identify these businesses, WED is working with a leading worldwide banking partner in certifying these businesses worldwide with the launch of the Women's Certified Business Program (WCB).
The worldwide movement will create an international network and database of women-owned or led businesses and will feature women and men who have signed up for the WOW Pledge through our website and social media who are helping support a business woman in their community with Talent, Time, or Treasure.

Lebanon participates in this global initiative through its Ambassador who has been selected because of her excellence in the field of business; engineer Roula Moussa who established and managed a company specialized in the field of e-government and leading technological solutions advises entrepreneurs to follow the advice of Steve Jobs "Don't worry about too many things at once. Take a handful of simple things to begin with, and then progress to more complex ones."

In an interview with the National News Agency, Moussa said Lebanon needed an active role for women in business leadership, in order for her to support the national economy and raise the standard of living for families.

"Consequently, I offer my experiences in this area to support every ambitious woman who is trying to fight the march of corporate governance, because a leading woman serves the small and the big society alike."

She noted that young people in Lebanon feel desperate before trying to establish any business. "For this reason, this program enables young women to get support for the establishment of any business or company, especially in the era of globalization."

"What is more important than advancing quickly is to move forward in the right direction. Goals are dreams and plans to be turned it into practical steps," she concluded.

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