Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

04:26 pm


Media Supporting Women Leaders improves women's image, allows their participation in political life

Written by Reem Chehine

Translated by Lynn Waked

Whether mother, wife, daughter or sister... she has always succeeded to come to the throne of the man's heart. She is the woman, she completes the man and her presence brings life to a whole.

She is also a human being with her own bundle of rights and obligations. She has been trying, over the years, to equilibrize her life between work and family.

She remains at the core of the battle, facing a macho society that keeps on marginalizing her and fixing her to domestic activities.

However, women of today finally revolt! Armed with the support of civil associations, they seek success and plunge in the world of politics. They are determined to be candidates in the 2013 upcoming parliamentary elections.

The "Women Pioneers" association and the "Smart Center" pulled out, among many women, this desire for change. Both associations started their project entitled "Media Supporting Women Leaders."

This program aims at strengthening the participation of women in public affairs and at supporting the latter, through a media strategy that gives a positive image of the weaker sex.

This campaign also sheds light on the positive role of women in the public and private sectors, while at the same time building confidence in women's potentials.

The first stage of this project involved a training workshop for journalists, under the patronage of the Ministry of Information, to improve their journalistic skills and allow them to present their work in the best way.

The conference rooms of the Ministry of Information and the National News Agency's training hall have been made available to participants in the workshop.

Caretaker Minister of Information, Walid Daouk, who launched this project during a press conference at the Riviera Hotel, also monitored the training's course of action and engaged in discussions with organizers and participants.

This event has even gathered journalists, working in various media institutions, with women leaders in order to strengthen ties between them and to allow the emergence of women leaders in the media sector.

Journalists who took part in the training sessions shall carry out interviews with 200 women leaders, and produce a booklet that includes the curriculum vitae of 100 to 150 women.

This booklet shall allow a larger appearance of these women in the media sector.


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