Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:32 pm


Three Glorious days adorn Lebanon as Pope Benedict XVI visits the country -2

Armenian Catholic Patriarch delivers speech welcoming Pope in Bzommar

The Patriarch of the Armenian Catholic Church, Nerses Bedros, gave the following speech at the Convent of Our Lady of Bzommar on the occasion of the Pope's visit:

"Most Holy Father,

On behalf of the Armenian Catholic Church of the Venerable and Their Beatitudes the Patriarchs, Their Excellencies members of the Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon, and the Superior Council members Convent ND Director of Bzommar, I welcome Your Holiness and thank You for the joy that you provide to us by your presence among us.
Our gratitude to your august person is now of particular importance, because You are the first Successor of Peter to visit the Convent, built in 1749, to be the seat of our Patriarchate.

Your predecessor, Benedict XIV, restored the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate, confirming the election of the patriarch Abraham Ardzivian as the spiritual head of the Patriarchal Church of Cilicia for all the Catholic Armenians, and which to avoid the fury of his persecutors, had to take refuge in Mount Lebanon among the Maronites, and that Benedict XIV conferred the pallium as a sign of communion with the See of Peter, on December 8, 1742.
Similarly, your predecessor Benedict XV, of blessed memory, who witnessed the Genocide of the Armenian people hit the defenseless, sent a letter on September 10, 1915 with a solemn appeal to the Ottoman Sultan Mohamed V. but unfortunately, his efforts went to no avail.

Your Holiness deigned to bless and inaugurate the Piazzetta of Saint Gregory, the Illuminator in the way that bypassed St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in February 2008, in the presence of representatives of the two Armenian Catholics of Etchmiadzin and Antelias.

And just now, Your Holiness have blessed the monument to Armenian monk Hagop Meghabard, built on the occasion of the 500th anniversary since the printing of the first book of prayers in Armenian, in Venice in 1512.

The history of the Armenian Church cannot be written without the use of the Papal documents of the Holy See. But I wanted to mention here the names of the last three Popes named Benedict, which were a great blessing to our church.

Moreover, the name Benedict, Latin Benedictus, meaning blessed, blessed by God and whose holder blessed the name of God within the souls entrusted to him, to sanctify and to guide them to the Lord.

Most Holy Father,

Your visit to Lebanon and the Lebanese, and through them, to all countries and peoples of the Middle East, was awaited with great expectation. A visit which the Christians of Lebanon have prayed for a lot, knowing that this visit will -- as that of your beloved predecessor, Blessed John Paul II in 1997-- bear the fruits of peace which all the peoples of the Arab world are in great need of. Just as it will bear the fruits of mutual forgiveness, constructive dialogue and fruitful collaboration, to corroborate the union among the various components of this country and continue to witness Lebanon country as a message to all peoples of the Middle East.

And now, Holy Father, waiting to receive by your hands the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation that you signed yesterday, we are all ears to hear Your voice.

Benedict beseeches God to bless Armenians

Pope Benedict XVI Saturday beseeched God to bless the Armenian community that has suffered a lot as to grant hope and strength again for those who are desperate.

His holiness spoke during a lunch banquet held in Bzommar in presence of a number of patriarchs, bishops, clerics and members of the Armenian Catholic congregation.

The pontiff also expressed his appreciation to the superior of the convent of Notre Dame of Bzommar.

The Supreme Pontiff arrives at Bkerke
Pope Benedict XVI arrived at Bkerke patriarchal premises, aboard "Papa Mobile", waving to the cheering crowds of youth.
His Holiness shall start "Youth Gathering" in a while.

Rahi welcomes pope during meeting with youth at Bkerke

Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, welcomed Saturday address at the next meeting of the Pope with young Bkerke:

"Holy Father,
On behalf of the Patriarchs and Bishops I have the great pleasure and honor to welcome Your Holiness in this patriarchal siege to meet with the youth of Lebanon and the Arab world.
These young people are hungry for hope during accelerating events constantly appealed hope and concern at once.
They aspire a life of peace, justice and stability to be able to achieve themselves in their own countries and avoid emigration.
With you, your holiness, we send them the words of the Apostle John: "You are strong and the word of God abideth in you."

Their deep concern about the future requires a personal encounter with Christ who alone can renew their faith, strengthen their hope.
Christ alone can, on one hand, boost their witness of love, their search for other ways to confirm values of freedom, equality in rights and obligations, and of human dignity in their respective countries on the other hand.

These young people endure political, social, economic and cultural crises that undermine their faith and lead to some loss of the true meaning of Christian identity and their entrenchment in their land and their churches.

Fears rise before the growth of religious fundamentalism phenomenon, which does not believe in the right to difference and right to freedom of conscience or religion, and uses violence as the sole means to achieve its objectives.

At times of rapid and varied changes, our youth need to rediscover their moral, social, economic and cultural role to play as they need to bring the Christian message to their societies.
It is without doubt that the most compelling values our young people are called to testify in this region, are those of reconciliation, coexistence, and mutual trust, for a culture of peace cannot be built but on them.

Holy Father

Our youth thank Your Holiness for the Apostolic Exhortation you have signed yesterday, for it marks the path of their new commitment and makes of them living forces in their churches and societies.

And now, they eagerly wait for your enlightening and encouraging word and seek your reassuring Apostolic Blessing.

Holy Pontiff delivers Bkerke word, encourages youth to follow Christ's path

Your beatitudes, brothers, dear friends,

"May grace and peace be upon you in abundance through the true knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord." The paragraph taken from the letter of St. Peter truly expresses the desire that I have held in my heart for a long time. Thank you for your warm welcome, thank you very much for your large presence tonight!
I thank His Beatitude Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rahi for his word, Monsignor Georges Bou Jaoudeh the Archbishop of Tripoli and President of the Council for the Laic Apostolate in Lebanon, and Bishop Elie Haddad the Archbishop of Sidon Greek Melkites and vice president of the same Council, as well as young people who welcomed me on your behalf.

["I give you my peace"] tells us Jesus Christ.
Dear friends, you live today in this part of the world that has witnessed the birth of Jesus and the development of Christianity. It is a great honor! It is a call to faithfulness, of love to your region and especially a call for you to be witnesses and messengers of Christ's joy, for the faith transmitted by the Apostles leads to full freedom and joy, as shown by many saints and blessed in the country.

Their message enlightens the universal church. It continues to enlighten your lives. Among the apostles and saints, many have experienced troubled periods and their faith was the source of their courage and their testimony. Take from their example and their intercession, the inspiration and support you need!

I know the difficulties you encounter in your daily lives, because of the lack of stability and security, the difficulty of finding a job or furthermore, the feeling of loneliness and marginalization. In a world of constant motion, many serious challenges come your way.

Even unemployment and precariousness should not encourage you to taste the "bitter sweet" of emigration, with the uprooting and separation for an uncertain future. It is up to you to be involved in the future of your country, in the role of your country in the society and the church. You have a special place in my heart and in the whole church because the Church is still young!

The Church has confidence in you. It is counting on you. Be young in the Church! Be young with the Church! The Church is in need of your enthusiasm and your creativity! Youth is the time when we aspire great ideals and the time where one studies to prepare a job and a future. This is important and takes time. Search for what is beautiful, and have the desire to do what is right! Witness of the grandeur and dignity of your body which "is for the Lord."

Have the righteousness and delicacy of pure hearts! As my predecessor Jean Paul II said before, I shall tell you again: "Do not be afraid. Open the doors of your minds and your hearts to Christ." Meeting with Him gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. In Him, you will find the strength and courage to move forward on the path of your life, overcoming difficulties and suffering. In Him you will find the source of joy.
Christ says to you:["I give you my peace"].

There lies the true revolution brought by Christ, the love. Prevailing frustrations should not lead to take refuge in parallel worlds like the world of drugs, of sadness, of pornography. As for social networks, they are interesting but can, very easily, lead you to dependence and confusion between the real and virtual world. Search for and live rich relations of true and noble friendship. Take initiatives that give meaning and roots in your life, fighting against superficiality and easy consumption! You are also subject to another temptation, that of money, this tyrannical idol which blinds to suffocation the person and his heart.

Examples around you are not always the best. Many forget the affirmation of Christ saying that we cannot serve God and money. Look for good teachers, for spiritual teachers, who know how to show you the path to maturity leaving the illusory, the foil and the lie. Be the bearers of the love of Christ! How? As you turn unreservedly to God, his Father, who is the model of what is right, true and good. Meditate on the Word of God! Discover the value of the gospel. Pray! Prayer, the sacraments are safe and effective means to be a Christian and live "enrooted in Jesus Christ, firm in your faith."
The Year of Faith which will begin will be an opportunity to discover the treasure of the faith received in Baptism. You can deepen its content through the study of Catechism so that your faith be alive and experienced. You will then become witnesses to others of the love of Christ.

In Him, all men are our brothers. Universal brotherhood that He has inaugurated on the Cross is of a bright light and demands the revolution of love. "Love one another as I have loved you." There lies the testament of Jesus and the sign of the Christian. That is the true revolution of love!

And so, Christ invites you to be like him, to welcome others unreservedly, even if they are of culturally, religiously, or nationally different. Give others a place, respect, kindness. All this contributes to an increasingly rich humanity and the supreme peace of the Lord. I know that many of you are involved in activities promoted by the parishes, schools, movements, and associations. It is wonderful to engage with and others. Living together moments of joy and friendship can withstand the seeds of division, which ought to be always fought! Brotherhood is an anticipation of heaven! And the vocation of a disciple of Christ is to be the "leaven" in lump, as St. Paul stated: "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" (Gal 5:9).

Be the messengers of the Gospel of life and the values of life. Resist bravely all what is denied: abortion, violence, rejection, contempt for others, injustice, and war. This is how you spread peace around you. Isn't it that peace makers are those we admire most? Isn't it this precious peace that any human seeks? Isn't it a world of peace that we want for ourselves and for other? I give you my peace Jesus said. He didn't overcame evil with another evil not, but took it upon himself and taking upon himself on the cross with love lived through. Discover truth and forgiveness because God's mercy can always give you a new life. It is not easy to forgive. But God's forgiveness encourages redemption and the joy of forgiveness in return. Forgiveness and
reconciliation are paths of peace, and they open the way towards the future.

Dear friends, many of you probably wonder, in a more or less conscious or unconscious way: What does God expect of me? What is his plan for me? Don't I wish to announce to the world the greatness of his love through priesthood and through consecrated life or marriage? Doesn't the Christ call on me to follow him more closely? Welcome with confidence these questions. Take time to reflect and to seek the light. Respond to the invitation by offering each day to Him who calls you to be his friend. Looking forward with the heart and generosity of Christ whose love redeemed us and his life gave for each of us. You will know joy as never expected! Respond to the call of Christ himself:
here lies the true secret of peace.

Yesterday I signed the Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia Medio Oriente". This letter is also addressed to you dear young, as all God's people. Read it carefully and meditate for practice. To help you, I will I remind you of the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians: "Our letter is you, a letter written in your hearts, known and read by all men. You're obviously a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is in your hearts"(2 Cor 3: 2-3). Dear Friends, you too can be a living letter of Christ. This letter will not be written on paper with a pencil. It will be the witness of your life and your faith. Thus, with courage and enthusiasm, you will understand that God wants the happiness of all without distinction, and that Christians are his servants and faithful witnesses.

Lebanese youth, you are the hope and future of your country. You are Lebanon, this hospitable country with incredible ability to adapt. And this time, we cannot forget the millions of people who make up the Lebanese Diaspora and maintain strong links with their country of origin. Lebanon's youth, opt for openness and hospitality, as Christ and your country have taught you.
Now I would like to commend the young Muslims who are with us tonight. Thank you for your presence that is of significance importance. You are young Christians with the future of this wonderful country and the entire Middle East ahead of you. Looking forward to build it together!

And when you become adults, continue to live in harmony and unity with Christians. For the beauty of Lebanon is in this beautiful symbiosis. It is necessary that all Middle East, looking at you, understand that Muslims and Christians, Islam and Christianity, can live together without hatred in accordance with one's beliefs to build together a free and humane society. I also learned that there are among us young people from Syria. I want to tell you how much I admire your courage. I tell you, your families and friends, the Pope will not forget you. Spread the word that the Pope is sad because of your grief and your suffering. He does not forget Syria in his prayers and concerns. He does not forget the Middle East which suffers. It is time that Muslims and Christians unite to end the violence and wars.

In conclusion, let us turn to Mary, the Mother of God, Our Lady of Lebanon. Mary at the top of the hill of Harissa protects you and helps you. As a mother she watches over all the Lebanese and pilgrims from all backgrounds to entrust their joys and sorrows! Tonight, let us entrust to the Virgin Mary and to Blessed John Paul II who preceded me here, your lives, those of all young people of Lebanon and the countries of the region, especially those who suffer violence or loneliness, those who need comfort. God bless you bless you all! And now all together, we pray ... Hail Mary
"Lebanon Youth" aspire for culture of peace

"Lebanon Youth" expressed their aspirations for the culture of peace and discarding violence, to be living bridges and mediators for dialogue and cooperation.

"Lebanon Youth", youth of the Orient, delivered a word at the Youth Gathering with Pope Benedict XVI at Bkerke, read out by Roy Jreish and Rania Abu Chacra.

"We, youth of the Orient nowadays, yearn for peace and aspire for a future free of wars... a future in which we have an effective role... working in cooperation with our brethren youth from the various religious communities on building civilization of loving," Lebanon Youth said.

The youth also voiced aspiration for the building of nations in which human rights, liberties and dignity are safeguarded and respected.

"Lebanon Youth" also hailed national coexistence, but expressed fear of fundamentalist thought (in all religions) that hinders the march of inter-religions' dialogue.

"Lebanon Youth" also expressed their strong faith in the Church, in spite of all the challenges and conflicts.

The youth also voiced their strong determination to remain steadfast in the Orient and entrenched in their land, the symbol of their belonging and identity.

Majida Roumi ends Bkerke holy day with 'beatitude hymn'
The Lebanese youth's gathering with Pope Benedict XVI ended with a hymn by renowned Lebanese singer Majida Roumi.

The Pope received 15 symbolic gifts from the youth of Lebanon and the entire region during Saturday's holy day in Bkerke.

The Pope later entered inside the church where he recited prayers and took commemorative pictures with members of the Patriarchate.
And, by so, the messenger of peace concluded his second day of his visit to Lebanon.

The Supreme Pontiff's convoy starts its way from Harissa toward Beirut

The Supreme Pontiff's convoy started its way from his residential headquarters at the Papal Embassy in Harissa towards Beirut's sea front, where he is scheduled to chair a holy mass at the Biel center.
Security forces adopted strict measures on the way that the Pope's convoy shall take. In this framework, security forces blocked all roads stretching from Harissa to Beirut.

Crowds devoutly assemble to participate in Beirut's historic Mass

Gathering for the historic Mass to be held in Lebanon, Beirut City's Waterfront, began early today as thousands of Lebanese, Arab, and foreign people pullulate to participate in Pope Benedict XVI's holy Mass.

This religious ceremony has turned into a miraculous one as people of all sects, confessions, and nationalities unite in Beirut city under a sole purpose; pray for peace in the Middle East.

Already on his way toward Beirut Waterfront square, the Supreme pontiff, the messenger of peace, shall appear before the public from an altar established in the form of a cedar, where he will be surrounded by believers, churchmen and cardinals, as by patriarchs of the Middle East and bishops from various Christian sects.

The remarkable Pontifical Mass shall start at 10:00 a.m. whereby Maronite Catholic Patriarch, Mar Beshara Rahi, shall deliver a speech to welcome the Supreme pontiff.

At the end of the Mass, Pope Benedict XVI will give his blessing to Lebanon, to the Middle Eastern countries to hand over, afterwards, a copy of the Apostolic Exhortation he signed on Friday at Harissa's St. Paul Basilica.

The Supreme Pontiff's convoy arrives at holy mass venue
Pope Benedict XVI's convoy arrived at the place of the holy mass at Beirut city center waterfront, making its way through crowds of believers.

Supreme Pontiff ascends to altar platform

Dressed in his green priestly attire, the Pope ascended to the altar's platform, surrounded by bishops, to a hymn titled "How I love your mercy", sang in the Syriac language of the Maronite rites.

Rahi delivers Water Front Mass word, stresses Christians' mission of peace
Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi's speech at Beirut Water Front's Mass Service:

Most Holy Father,
On behalf of all the people here and all the Lebanese, I have the honor to convey to Your Holiness the joy that your visit fills our hearts with, because this visit carries within the message of peace, which is the aim of our world in general and the Middle East in particular. Peace is the mission of Christians. They see it as a gift from God that must be preserved. They feel invited to make peace the culture of life. According to the Christ: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God! "(Mt 5: 9).

Your apostolic trip to the Middle East -- at a time when radical transformations threaten its security and stability-- is certainly full of hope. It goes in line with your prophecy, made back in 2009, the holding of the "Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East", on the presence of Christians, their testament, and mission in the region.

The Synod has brought us to the heart of a "Christian spiritual springtime", which we believe the divine Providence willed to place it at the forefront of the aspired "Arab Spring". With Your Holiness, we pray that the bloodshed and sacrifices will lead to the birth of this "spring." There is no doubt that the Apostolic Exhortation that You will officially hand during the Eucharistic celebration, will draw the roadmap for our churches towards this spring.

Most Holy Father,

Your trip is a safety valve at a time when Christians endure instability and faithfully fight for the sake of the promises they made during their baptism, to confirm their deep roots in their land despite the enormity of the challenges. It is the grace of Christ, the Savior and Redeemer.

Today, Your Holiness carries from Lebanon to the entire Middle East, the Hope of Christ and the call of peace. May the Almighty fulfill Your holy and noble intentions that you will bring to the Lord during the Eucharistic celebration. Praise the Lord - Jesus Christ.

Pontifical Mass starts

Pope Benedict XVI initiated the holy mass at Beirut city center waterfront, with the recitation of Latin rite's start prayer.

Prior to the Pontifical Mass, the Pope presented to Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi a golden cup.

Pope presides Water Front Holy Mass, says serving peace and justice pressing need

Pope Benedict XVI presided on Sunday Beirut Water Front's Holy Mass, saying that serving peace and justice have become a pressing need:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

"Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!" (Eph 1:3).
Blessed be God on this day when I have the joy of being here with you, in Lebanon, to consign to the Bishops of the region my Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente!
I offer heartfelt thanks to His Beatitude Bechara Boutros Rahi for his kind words of welcome.

I greet the other Patriarchs and Bishops of the Eastern Churches, the Latin Bishops of the neighbouring regions, and the Cardinals and Bishops who have come from other countries.

I greet all of you with great affection, dear brothers and sisters from Lebanon and from throughout this beloved region of the Middle East, as you join with the Successor of Peter in celebrating Jesus Christ crucified, dead and risen.

My respectful greeting goes also to the President of the Republic, to the Lebanese authorities, and to the leaders and followers of the other religious traditions who have elected to be present this morning.

On this Sunday when the Gospel asks us about the true identity of Jesus, we find ourselves transported with the disciples to the road leading to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. Jesus asks them: "Who do you say that I am" (Mk 8:29).The moment he chose to ask this question is not insignificant. Jesus was facing a decisive turning-point in his life.

He was going up to Jerusalem, to the place where the central events of our salvation would take place: his crucifixion and resurrection. In Jerusalem too, following these events, the Church would be born.
And at this decisive moment, Jesus first asks his disciples: "Who do men say that I am?" (Mk 8:27). They give very different answers: John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets!

Today, as down the centuries, those who encounter Jesus along their own way give their own answers.
These are approaches which can be helpful in finding the way to truth. But while not necessarily false, they remain insufficient, for they do not go to the heart of who Jesus is.
Only those willing to follow him on his path, to live in fellowship with him in the community of his disciples, can truly know who he is.
Finally, Peter, who had dwelt with Jesus for some time, gives his answer: "You are the Christ" (Mk 8:29).

It is the right answer, of course, but it is still not enough, since Jesus feels the need to clarify it.
He realizes that people could use this answer to advance agendas which are not his, to raise false temporal hopes in his regard.
He does not let himself be confined to the attributes of the human saviour which many were expecting.
By telling his disciples that he must suffer and be put to death, and then rise again, Jesus wants to make them understand his true identity.
He is a Messiah who suffers, a Messiah who serves, and not some triumphant political saviour.
He is the Servant who obeys his Father's will, even to giving up his life. This had already been foretold by the prophet Isaiah in today's first reading.

Jesus thus contradicts the expectations of many. What he says is shocking and disturbing. We can understand the reaction of Peter who rebukes him, refusing to accept that his Master should suffer and die! Jesus is stern with Peter; he makes him realize that anyone who would be his disciple must become a servant, just as he became Servant.
Following Jesus means taking up one's cross and walking in his footsteps, along a difficult path which leads not to earthly power or glory but, if necessary, to self-abandonment, to losing one's life for Christ and the Gospel in order to save it.
We are assured that this is the way to the resurrection, to true and definitive life with God. Choosing to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who made himself the Servant of all, requires drawing ever closer to him, attentively listening to his word and drawing from it the inspiration for all that we do.

In promulgating the Year of Faith, which is due to begin next 11 October, I wanted each member of the faithful to renew his or her commitment to undertaking this path of sincere conversion.
Throughout this Year, then, I strongly encourage you to reflect more deeply on the faith, to appropriate it ever more consciously and to grow in fidelity to Christ Jesus and his Gospel.

Brothers and sisters, the path on which Jesus wishes to guide us is a path of hope for all. Jesus' glory was revealed at the very time when, in his humanity, he seemed weakest, particularly through the incarnation and on the cross.

This is how God shows his love; he becomes our servant and gives himself to us. Is this not an amazing mystery, one which is at times difficult to accept? The Apostle Peter himself would only come to understand it later.

In today's second reading, Saint James tells us to what extent our walking in the footsteps of Jesus, if it is to be authentic, demands concrete actions. "I, by my works, will show you my faith" (Jas 2:18).
It is an imperative task of the Church to serve and of Christians to be true servants in the image of Jesus. Service is a foundational element of the identity of Christ's followers (cf. Jn 13:15-17).
The vocation of the Church and of each Christian is to serve others, as the Lord himself did, freely and impartially.
Consequently, in a world where violence constantly leaves behind its grim trail of death and destruction, to serve justice and peace is urgently necessary for building a fraternal society, for building fellowship!
Dear brothers and sisters, I pray in particular that the Lord will grant to this region of the Middle East servants of peace and reconciliation, so that all people can live in peace and with dignity. This is an essential testimony which Christians must render here, in cooperation with all people of good will. I appeal to all of you to be peacemakers, wherever you find yourselves.

Service must also be at the heart of the life of the Christian community itself. Every ministry, every position of responsibility in the Church, is first and foremost a service to God and to our brothers and sisters. This is the spirit which should guide the baptized among themselves, and find particular expression in an effective commitment to serving the poor, the outcast and the suffering, so that the inalienable dignity of each person may be safeguarded.

Dear brothers and sisters who are suffering physically or spiritually, your sufferings are not in vain!
Christ the Servant wished to be close to the suffering.
He is always close to you. Along your own path, may you always find brothers and sisters who are concrete signs of his loving presence which will never forsake you! Remain ever hopeful because of Christ!
And may all of you, my brothers and sisters who have come to take part in this celebration, strive to be ever more fully conformed to the Lord Jesus, who became the Servant of all for the life of the world. May God bless Lebanon; may he bless all the peoples of this beloved region of the Middle East, and may he grant them the gift of his peace.

Supreme Pontiff hands Apostolic Exhortation to Rahi
Pope Benedict XVI handed the Apostolic Exhortation, at the end of the Holy Mass, to Maronite Patriarch Mar Beshara Rahi.

Afterwards, the Pope delivered a word in which he said: The liturgical celebration in which we have just taken part was an opportunity to thank the lord for the gift of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of bishops, held in October 2010 on the theme: the Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and Witness. "Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul" "Acts 4: 32".

I would like to thank all Synod fathers for their contribution. My gratitude also goes to the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, archbishop Eterovic, for the work achieved and for his words on your behalf. Having signed the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente, I am pleased now to present it to all the local churches through you, the patriarchs and bishops, both eastern and Latin, of the Middle East.

With the consigning of this document, there now begins its study and appropriation by all the members of the church, pastors, consecrated persons and lay people, so that everyone will find new joy in the pursuit of his or her mission, encouraged and fortified to put into action the message of communion and witness understood in the various human, doctrinal, ecclesiological, spiritual and pastoral aspects of this Exhortation. Dear brothers and sisters of Lebanon and the Middle East, I hope that this Exhortation will be a guide to follow the various and complex paths where Christ goes before you. May Communion and faith, hope and charity be strengthened in your countries and in every community so as to make credible your witness to the Triune God who has drawn close to each one of us.

Dear Church in the Middle East, draw from the source of salvation which became a reality in this unique and beloved land! Follow in the footsteps of your fathers in faith, who by tenacity and fidelity opened up the way for humanity to respond to the revelation of God! Among the wonderful diversity of saints who flourished in your land, look for examples to respond to the revelation of God!

Among the wonderful diversity of saints who flourished in your land, look for examples and intercessors who will inspire your response to the Lord's call to walk towards the heavenly Jerusalem, where God will wipe away every drop of our tears. "cf. Rev 21:4"! May fraternal communion be a support for you in your daily life and the sign of the universal brotherhood which Jesus, the firstborn of many, came to bring! Thus, in this region which saw his actions and heard his words, may the Gospel continue to resonate as it did 2000 years ago, and may it be lived today and forever.

Benedict gives final blessing, leaves faithful crowds
Pope Benedict completed the celebration of the holy Mass and beseeched in a final word Blessed Virgin Mary to help the people of the region, especially the Syrian people.

"You know the problems that beset the region, for pains are many, we still hear the screams of widows, orphans, women, and children who are always the first to be victims.

Why is there so much death?

"I call on the international community and Arab countries to propose solutions that respect human rights," the Pope said.

His holiness deemed loving and respecting one another an essential act for peace to reign.

"I hope you have the faith to live together as brothers," he said.

The messenger of peace gave his final blessing and left the altar and after shaking hands with the President and his wife. He headed to his Papamobile and paved his way back to the Papal Embassy in Harissa, amid the cheerful cries of the devout.

Pope returns to Harissa
Pope Benedict XVI arrived at his residence at the Papal Embassy in Harissa after celebrating the historic Mass in Beirut.

His holiness is scheduled to head to Daraoun-Sherfeh Syriac Catholic Patriarchate around 17:05 p.m.

Pope arrives at Syriac patriarchate
The Supreme Pontiff arrived at Daraoun-Sherfeh Syriac Catholic Patriarchate to partake in the ecumenical gathering, NNA correspondent reported.
Pope Benedict XVI will be meeting with head of Christian sect in an ecumenical meeting and shall unveil a memorial painting of his historical visit to Lebanon.

His Holiness saluted the crowds of believers who assembled outside the Patriarchate headquarters to greet and receive the blessings of the Pope.

Benedict stresses Churches' crucial role
Pope Benedict XVI stressed the importance of the role of Churches in the East after the ecumenical gathering at the Patriarchate in Sherfeh- Daraoun.

"Answer the call of the Christ by staying away from violence," He said.

"You are the messengers of Jesus and the messengers of Jesus convey the message of love and peace which should be spread across the world.
Let our love for Christ lead you to unity through prayer," the Pope said and hope for Middle Eastern countries to wallow in reconciliation and peace.

His holiness saluted Copts in Egypt and asserted that "peace comes solely from God."

Afterwards, the Pope registered a word in the Patriarchal book.

Pope leaves to airport
Pope Benedict XVI left a while ago Sherfeh Patriarchate and headed to Beirut Airport accompanied by bishops and Patriarchs who will be partaking in the farewell ceremony.

Pope arrives to Beirut airport, Navigation stops
Pope Benedict XVI arrived to Beirut International Airport on Friday evening, where he was received by President Michel Sleiman, First Lady Wafaa Sleiamn, and a huge crowd of official figures and magnates.

Pope bids Lebanon adieu with word from Beirut airport
The splendid three days of the Pope's landmark visit to Lebanon came to an end, leaving the Lebanese people's hearts blissful with the much-needed peace and security he bestowed upon them amid the prevailing security situation rocking the Middle East region.

An exchange of smiles and warm goodbyes found their way between the Pope and the Lebanese, especially Christians, who spent together three days to remember. But this is definitely not the end, it is instead the end of the beginning, for "Lebanon the Message" has a long way ahead to prove worthy of the Supreme Pontiff's trust, assigning it with the mission of spreading Peace in the Middle East -- through the spirit of the Apostolic Exhortation.

Bidding the Lebanese Farewell, the Pope delivered his final word at Beirut International Airport:

As the moment to depart draws near, I leave Lebanon with regret. I thank you for your words, Mr President, and for promoting along with the Government whose representatives I salute, the organization of the various events during my stay with you, assisted in a special way by the efficiency of the various services of the Republic and the private sector. I thank, too, Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rahi, and all the Patriarchs present, as well as the Eastern and Latin Bishops, priests, deacons, men and women religious, seminarians and faithful who came to receive me. In visiting you, it was as if Peter himself had come to you and you received him with the cordiality which characterizes your Churches and your culture.

My especial thanks go to the entire Lebanese people who form a beautiful and rich mosaic and who have shown the successor of Peter their enthusiasm by the efforts, both general and specific, of each community. I thank all the civil and religious leaders of your country. It is a tradition in the Middle East to receive a guest with consideration and respect as you have done. I thank you all. But, to that consideration and respect, you added something else, which can be compared to one of those renowned oriental spices which enriches the taste of food: your warmth and your affection, which make me wish to return. I thank you for that especially. May God bless you for it!

During my all too brief stay, motivated principally by the signature and consigning of the Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Oriente, I have been able to meet various elements of your society. There were moments that were more official in character, others that were more intimate, moments of great religious importance and of fervent prayer, and others marked by the enthusiasm of young people. I give thanks to God for granting these occasions, for these meaningful encounters which I was able to have, and for the prayer offered by all and for all in Lebanon and the Middle East, whatever their origins or religious beliefs.

In his wisdom, Solomon asked Hiram of Tyre to build a house for the name of God, a sanctuary for all eternity (cf.Sir 47:13). And Hiram, whom I mentioned at my arrival, sent wood taken from the cedars of Lebanon (cf. 1 Kg 5:22).
Cedar furnishings adorned the interior of the Temple, with garlands of sculpted flowers (cf. 1 Kg 6:18). Lebanon was present in the sanctuary of God, in the holy place, and in the holy of holies. May the Lebanon of today, and her inhabitants, also dwell in the sanctuary of God! May Lebanon continue to be a place where men and women can live in harmony and peace with each other, in order to give the world not only a witness to the presence of God, the primary theme of this past Synod, but also a witness to the communion between people, the second theme of the Synod, whatever their political, social, or religious standpoint.

I pray to God for Lebanon, that she may live in peace and courageously resist all that could destroy or undermine that peace. I hope that Lebanon will continue to permit the plurality of religious traditions and not listen to the voices of those who wish to prevent it. I hope that Lebanon will fortify the communion among all her inhabitants, whatever their community or religion, that she will resolutely reject all that could lead to disunity, and with determination choose brotherhood. These are blossoms pleasing to God, virtues that are possible and that merit consolidation by becoming more deeply rooted.

The Virgin Mary, venerated with devotion and tenderness by the faithful of the religious confessions here present, is a sure model for going forward in hope along the path of a lived and authentic brotherhood. Lebanon understood this well when, some time ago, she proclaimed 25 March as a holiday, thus allowing everyone to live more deeply their unity in serenity. May the Virgin Mary, whose ancient shrines are so numerous in your country, continue to accompany and inspire you!

May God bless Lebanon and all the Lebanese! May he never cease to draw them to himself so as to offer them a share in his eternal life! May he fill them with his joy, his peace and his light! May God bless all the Middle East! Upon all of you, I affectionately invoke abundant divine blessings. God bless you all!

Sleiman delivers farewell word, pledges peace and love
President of the Republic, Michel Sleiman, delivered his farewell speech to Pope Benedict XVI at Beirut International Airport with a word thanking the Holy Pontiff for his love and compassion for Lebanon.

The splendid three days of the Pope's landmark visit to Lebanon came to an end, leaving the Lebanese people's hearts blissful with the much-needed peace and security he bestowed upon them amid the prevailing security situation rocking the Middle East region.

"At the end of your visit, we can't but thank you for your love and compassion seeking stability for Lebanon," President Sleiman said, highly appreciating the Pope's keen concern for preserving coexistence in the country by means of fending off any form of aggression or injustice threatening Lebanon.

"These are touching moments. We stand here to bid you farewell after the three blessed days, during which you handed us the responsibility to fulfill our people's aspirations," Sleiman told the Pope.

An exchange of smiles and warm goodbyes found their way between the Pope and the Lebanese, especially Christians, who spent together three days to remember. But this is definitely not the end, it is instead the end of the beginning, for "Lebanon the Message" has a long way ahead to prove worthy of the Supreme Pontiff's trust, assigning it with the mission of spreading Peace in the Middle East -- through the spirit of the Apostolic Exhortation.

The President promised the Pope to burn the candle at both ends in an attempt to keep Lebanon the country of dialogue, openness, and a witness to coexistence "all based on mutual respect and values."

"There seems to be a pressing need to follow the content of the Apostolic Exhortation within the frame of reform and spiritual content," the President added.

Pope's plane takes off to Rome
Pope Benedict XVI's plane took off a while ago from Beirut Airport, heading to Rome.

The Supreme Pontiff winded up a three-day visit to Lebanon, during which he signed the Apostolic Exhortation, tasking Lebanon with the mission of spreading peace in the Middle East.

Pope Benedict commends media for proper coverage- with special praise to NNA
Prior to his departure from Beirut International Airport, Pope Benedict XVI addressed a word of praise for the wide media coverage of his historical visit to Lebanon. Pope Benedict specially commended the National News Agency for its exerted efforts in ensuring proper media coverage and organization of said visit.

Moreover, National News Agency Director, Mrs. Laure Sleiman, also received special congratulations by Holy See Spokesperson, Father Federico Lombardi and Papal Visit Media Coordinator, Father Abdo Abou Kassam, for the good organization and professional media coverage by NNA throughout the visit.

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