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Rahi among 6 new Cardinals in College Decisive role of Maronite Church in torn East

Written by Salma Shaheen Abou Assaf
Translated by Assaad Maalouf


Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, becoming a Cardinal, has assumed a distinguishing ecclesiastical rank whose purpose is to underscore the decisive role of the Maronite Church in the East that has for long been torn apart, on all levels.

The day, October 24, 2012, was not a regular day at all with respect to six persons of the Church's sons. The Supreme Pontiff wanted to say through giving Cardinality that despite the new scientific, technical discoveries achieved in the world, man has not developed quite good in the course of liberty and humanity, especially with the outspread of abuse, suppression, violence and injustice that could clearly reveal that.

With "Great Joy," Pope Benedict XVI declared on October 24, 2012, that the College of Cardinals would convene to appoint six new members of the Church as Cardinals, who are the following:
- Monsignor Michael James Harvey from North America
- Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East from Lebanon
- Archbishop Basilius Klimos from India
- Archbishop of the Abuja Diocese, John Olorunfemi, from Nigeria
- Monsignor Salazar from Columbia
- Monsignor Lewis Antonio from Philippines


"The Cardinal rank is a medal of pride and honor not only for the newly appointed Cardinals, but also for the Church they belong to," said the Patriarchal Auxiliary for Canonical Affairs, Bishop Hanna Alwan.

The latter explained that such new rank is not merely honorary, but paves the way for its bearer to share with the Pope in researching important affairs relevant to the Catholic Church. "The Cardinal also has the opportunity to elect the new Supreme Pontiff," according to Alwan who indicated that "the Cardinal is the highest honorary rank in the Catholic Church."

Alwan went on saying that Cardinality is a glory and exaltation for both Lebanon and the Maronite Church, especially that Lebanon is a very small country in comparison to European, American and African countries which do not constitute more than five Cardinals.

Alwan quoted the Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, as saying that his new rank is an honorary tribute paid by Pope XVI to Lebanon upon his visit to the country on September 5, 2012, as the Pope, according to Rahi, did much admire the peaceful coexistence principle between Lebanese Christians and Muslims.

History of Cardinality
Cardinality is an ecclesiastical rank started by the Roman Empire. It is a term derived from the Latin Language meaning "joint." Its initial use turns back to the 12th Century. The word also means the four corners of the world - North East, South and West. It is for this reason that upon the Cardinal elevation ceremony, the Cardinal-designate puts a red hat over his head with four square corners.

In February 1965, Pope Paul VI issued a decree known as "Purpuratorum Patrum" that empowers giving the Cardinality rank. And during that time, Patriarch M'oushi was the first to be elevated with the rank of Cardinality in the Maronite Church.

Creating Cardinals
Bishop Alwan refers to an official and legally accredited terminology that is "Creating Cardinals" upon a decision by the Supreme Pontiff who declares it before the convening College of Cardinals. New Cardinals are thereby chosen in accordance with their creeds, ethical values, piety and cleverness, and Cardinals must have the four virtues: moderateness, caution, courage and justice.

The Supreme Pontiff commended that the Cardinal be a hand of assistance to the successor of Peter and be a model for unity and partnership in the Church.

Why was Rahi appointed as Cardinal?

Priest Abdo Al Chidiac said that the Supreme Pontiff, choosing Patriarch Rahi as Cardinal, wanted to confirm that the Maronite Church upholds its own special status in the heart of the Catholic Church. "The Pope's initiative, appointing Rahi as Cardinal, is an extension to the role of Maronites in the world," said Al Chidiac.

The Priest explained that the Supreme Pontiff has much been attracted by Rahi, as the latter has proven to be not only a Patriarch for the Maronites, but also for the whole world.

"As Rahi bore and is still bearing the Church's concern, he was countered by voices of evil whilst his faith increased inside him," Al Chidiac said as quoting the Supreme Pontiff, adding, "Rahi raised high the slogan of Loving and Partnership. He traveled to most countries on holy missions and remained the shade of the Pope in every country or place he visited."

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