Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:31 pm


"Against Traffic" for "Adyan" Foundation in collaboration with Information and Culture Ministries Documentary on figures who worked to build peace dynamism among the sons of one nation


Written by Mary Khoury
Translated by Rabab Housseiny
 Within the frame of the campaign "fanaticism blinds, faith enlightens", "Adyan" Foundation launches its documentary "Against Traffic", Adyan's second production, during a celebration to be held at UNESCO Palace, at 6:30 pm on forthcoming Friday.
The documentary, produced by "Adyan" Foundation in collaboration with the Information and Culture Ministries, MEDE production center and Bank of Beirut and the Arab Countries (BBAC), and directed by Michel Tayan, aims at showing the power of faith against fanaticism and the responsibility and role of the believer in establishing a peace and solidarity dynamism among the sons of one nation in a time of political crises and growing religious extremism and sectarian conflicts.
 The documentary also sheds light on personalities enjoying the appreciation and respect of their religious groups and communities, namely Prince Abdul Qader Jazaeeri, Bishop Selim Ghazal, Imam Moussa Sadr, and Priest Makram Kozah.
The official ceremony will be attended by a panel of national, spiritual, education, and university dignitaries, in presence of nearly 5000 invited people. Besides, 9 gatherings are to be organized to display the movie with view of further discussions. There will also be 3 major meetings with schools and universities' students.
Toni Sawma, Director of Adyan's production department, said "the foundation looks forward to gathering and encouraging youth to change." He added that the movie will be distributed over more than 4oo schools, 30 civil associations, and 11 universities.
"This documentary aims at purifying the memory instead of generalizing mutual accusations," stressed Mr. Sawma.
As underlining that not everyone promotes violence and sectarianism, he said there are a lot of people who scarified their lives for others from different religions.
"Developments in Lebanon engendered the murder of innocent people; we are entrusted with their blood. We should be living a different life so as to defend the blood of those who died innocent. The political speech ought to turn into self-criticism," he reckoned.
Regarding the goals of "Adyan" Foundation, Mr. Sawma said it was founded in 2006 to call for returning to the correct concept of religion, which is the way to peace.
"Adyan endeavors to clarify the basic religious concepts and to create joint spaces for those from different religions to meet," he added.
The foundation includes several departments and programs namely studies on cultural interaction, and the "understanding and communication via internet" program between Lebanon, Poland, Cairo, and Jordan's universities. This program is a cultural interaction process through online dialogue.
Mr. Sawma pointed that preparations for an international lecture in forthcoming June in Lebanon are currently underway. Elite of intellectuals from all over the world will partake in this lecture.
The foundation also patronizes a program relevant to pluralism and diversity, and to coexistence in collaboration with the UNESCO's National Commission. This program aims at spreading awareness as to the role of belonging to sectarian groups and at conducting a critical and objective review for the causes of conflict in Lebanon.
As to the sustainable development program, it is based upon a spectrum of programs between different religious establishments. Adyan's media production department works on making a range of movies to convey the foundation's message and to be screened in schools.

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