Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:32 pm


Tyre Waste Dump: A problem racing with institutions' efforts


Report by  Qassem Safa
Translated by Lina Younis
 Waste dump problem in the Caza of Tyre is currently racing with solutions put forward by the concerned civil, local and international institutions, governmental and non-governmental, amidst the enormous daily garbage assembly in the area and the incapability of municipalities in comprehensively dealing with the issue.
This dilemma poses a source of troublesome to the Caza of Tyre that stretches along an area of 418 Km2, with a population of 320 thousand distributed among 65 villages and towns, in addition to seven adjacent Palestinian Camps.  The impact of dilemma consequences does not only entail the people of Caza Tyre but also extends to entail UNIFIL posts in the area. The problem lies in the adopted waste dump in Ras Ein which used to be one of the most beautiful sites in Lebanon lining the coastline and closing to Ras Ein water springs. These springs are considered to be the heaviest in Lebanon supplying water to neighboring towns and orchards in Naqoura field.
 This problem is aggravating every day, becoming similar if not more dangerous than the waste dump in the city of Sidon. Local population is not yet aware of the grave consequences of the said dilemma. However, municipality officials and environmental associations are sensing these consequences but merely dealing with them through holding meetings in restaurants and hotels.
Inflicted damages are not only restricted to garbage dimensions but also to the incessant smoke ascending from the said dump, rendering the area "epidemic".
 Abdel Mohsen Al-Husseini, Head of the Union of Tyre Caza Municipalities, told National News Agency Correspondent that "the problem actually exists and is currently becoming worse with every passing day. The sole means to address this problem is through the assistance of donor countries via associations. They propose solutions that help in preserving environment and hygiene and avoiding polluting water and air and all kinds of epidemic caused by these wastes."
Based on statistics, Al-Husseini elaborated that "the amount of dumped wastes in the area of Tyre reaches 192 tons". He added "Not all of these wastes are transferred to Ras Ein Dump, but some are currently deposited in arbitrary dumps which habitually get rid of these wastes through burning or illegal dumping."
Al-Husseini asked about the measures and solutions put forward by the state, Environment Ministry and other concerned ministries in addressing this dilemma. He also implored media to play a role in shedding light on this issue.
Speaking about Ein Baal Plant which sorts out garbage, Al-Husseini said "The Plant addresses less than quarter of the problem". He added "The Plant can receive 150 tons of garbage on daily basis. However, the cost of garbage transfer is high on municipalities, not to mention additional efforts and time. Some villages in Tyre Caza such as the town of Sreefa is located more than 35 Km away from the said Plant. Due to the high cost, municipalities resort to finding other non-environmental solutions such as arbitrary dumps where unhealthy depositing and burning are currently undertaken; the matter that pollutes the environment and atmosphere."
Al-Husseini stressed that the "Plant is one of the most important plants enjoying international characteristics".
Al-Husseini concluded by stressing that "Municipalities, the State and donor Countries are all partners in addressing this problem and finding adequate solutions."

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