Saturday 15 Mar 2025 - 12:00

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170 participants in the Synod for the Middle East study Christians' issues Nerses: Practical solutions will rise and none knows how spirit will be inspired Hachem : Awaiting wiping wars and conflicts away from the region's image


Report Done by Mary Khoury
Translated by Lina Yahya Raydan
Typed by Amanie Bechara
Synod for the Middle East is to be held by the end of this week in Rome upon an invitation from Pope Benedict XVI. The Synod entitled "Catholic Church: Testimony and Unity" will embrace Catholic bishops who are going to discuss issues of the Middle East Christians who are facing a series of conflicts, instability, rising of Extremism immigration and unemployment. 
The participants will discuss for two weeks (from 10_24 October) points and objectives stated in the Synod working document which the Pope handed in Cyprus to the Catholic East bishops. The document stresses on deepening unity ties between members of local churches and the Vatican, importance of the Christian Testimony in the countries which were the cradle of the Bible, respecting Christians' worship rights and religion freedom, eliminating discrimination and settling conflicts in the region. 
What do national churches carry to the Synod? What are their expectations? What plans and strategies they will present? Questions the National News Agency asked to both patriarch Nerses Pedros XIX of the Armenian Catholic Church and head of Maronite patriarch committee to follow up on the Synod, bishop Monjd Hachem. The interviews with Nerses and Hachem aimed at disclosing the way the two churches followed up on the Synod and their expectations regarding its outcome. 
Patriarch Nerses. 
Upon our arrival, patriarch Nerses greeted us at the patriarchate in Al Geatawi area. His Beatitude (H.B) has a wide knowledge about the challenges facing Christians in the Middle East. 
He considers that "the basic issue is going back to our roots and giving the faith dimension priority." He added that praying is the key of success to any work presented by the church bishops. H.B. Nerses pointed out "that political instability in many countries reflects badly on both social and economic status" because that causes confusion, fear and immigration. He mentioned that about 100,000 people of Middle East intellectuals immigrated in the period that lies between 1993 and 2003. Explaining the Synod's concept, H.B. said that it means that they should practice the real message of love, forgiveness and modesty among each other as well as with people of other religions. He added that "we all should work hand in hand to live in dignity, seek preserving Human rights and work hard to build a satisfied community on all levels." 
He added that the Synod aims at discussing issues and problems that face churches in the East and ways to solve them . 
Responding to a question regarding solutions that the Synod might suggest for those problems, H.B. said, " we can't prohibit any person from immigrating, but we can spread awareness that a real Christian doesn't run anyway from problems and seek a peaceful place to live in . True, we all seek peace, but this doesn't give us enough reason to immigrate. The first Christians faced problems and suppression just like those we're facing nowadays; yet, they didn't abandon their full Christian testimony." He added that they should enlighten Christians to stay in their countries, because each of them has a message to relay. 
Talking about a project to make Christians cling to their lands through launching economic and social strategies and work plans, bishop Nerses stressed that The physical dimension is the responsibility of the state officials . He added, as a clergyman his duty is to preach principles not to search for solutions. He confirmed that the Synod will eventually come to practical solutions, though nobody knows how spirit will inspire participants to reach that. Attendees will give their suggestions and through that practical ideas will be developed and applied gradually. But if Christian principles didn't constitute the base on which they should build on, such suggestions will reach no success, He said. The patriarch hoped the Synod corrects spread misconceptions. He stressed that they, as religious people, preach principles, supervise and encourage work; but there are no magical solutions. Things happen gradually and the Pope will choose the best of the suggested ideas and presents a guidance manual to the world and the region. 
Regarding worries that the reached suggestions would encounter the same fate of those issued by the Synod which was held in Lebanon, H.B. said that implementation of those suggestions is linked to the nature of each person's position and personality. Each person has his responsibility and people should stop considering secularists immature people that need to be led because they are mature Christians in faith, thinking and education and should deal with them accordingly.
Bishop Nerses believes that unity and common work on the social level among Catholic churches and between those churches and others might be what is needed, a point that could be the fruit of the Synod works. 
H.B. ruled out the Middle East Christians' exodus and stressed that they are not. But, the amount of problems that they are facing drives each of them to try to escape that. He added that each church of each sect is trying to reach its parish and help them. Nerses concluded that resorting to real Christian principles, true love and honest cooperation a fruitful outcome can be reached and without that all suggestions and initiatives will be in vain. 
Bishop Hachem. 
Bishop Hachem talked about the steps and mechanisms that the patriarchate adapted to follow up on the Synod works... H.B. clarified that each church has tried to do all it can and in its turn, the Maronite church executed work on three axes. 
Spiritual axis: It prepared, published and distributed a prayer which believers and students at schools will be asked to recite for the success of this important event. The committee also prepared for a spiritual work-day which will be implemented by schools and parishes in the coming days and during the Synod gathering in Vatican. 
Intellect axis: the intellectual committee asked for the opinion of more than 85 specialists of various categories regarding the different subjects mentioned on the working document published by the Synod secretary. 
He added that they held on the 3rd of September a meeting for a whole day in which they studied and summarized the presented suggestions, recorded them on a compact disc and distributed them on the Maronite bishops during their last monthly meeting on 29 September. 
Information axis: H.B. said that they held a meeting for media people at the Catholic schools secretary premises, in which they explained to the media people the importance of this event and the serious and positive attitude that they expect them to adopt in their approach on this event. 
Regarding his expectations of the Synod, H.B. wished success to the Popes initiative which he expressed best in two words "partnership and testimony", partnership among all Catholic churches in the Middle East. He pointed out that not only Christians but also people of different parties of the society emigrate from the Middle East. He blamed political tensions on the exodus of the Middle East intellectuals. He considered this issue a dangerous one that inflicts a huge damage on all countries in the Middle East region.  
He expressed his trust in the Synod's success and the attention that will accompany it in the Middle East and the whole world. 
Bishop Hachem concluded that the whole world is awaiting the outcome of the Synod and the spirit might rise from it to renew this region's picture and wipe wars and conflicts away from its image.

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