NNA – As part of an initiative led by Dr. Nassib Fawaz, President of the Lebanese International Business Council, Arab American community activists, including Mr. Sam Baydoun, Wayne County Commissioner for the City of Dearborn, and Ms. Faye Nemer, President of the Middle East and North Africa Chamber of Commerce in America, along with Dr. Ibrahim Duhaini, General Coordinator and Public Relation Officer (MENA), and several heads of organizations and local community leaders, gathered to discuss the escalating crisis in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and the broader Middle East. In an effort to engage both Democratic and Republican congressional leaders in shaping US policy, the team is holding a series of roundtable discussions. This meeting provided an opportunity for community members to meet with Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D) and Debbie Dingell (D) on critical issues affecting the region.
During the discussion, participants expressed their deep frustration over Israel's continuous violations of the ceasefire resolution achieved by the United States' Middle East envoy in Lebanon. Israel's actions continue to defy international law, including daily aggressions against Lebanese civilians, targeted assassinations, and the systematic destruction of towns and villages in southern Lebanon. The attendees urged the Congresswomen to take a stronger public stance in condemning these aggressions and to push for adherence to the ceasefire resolution and an immediate cessation of hostilities. Additionally, they called for congressional action to demand Israel's complete withdrawal from all Lebanese occupied territories and to uphold Lebanon's sovereignty.
The discussion further highlighted Lebanon's ongoing economic and political instability. Concerns were raised about pending legislation, which many believe could further fragment Lebanon's social, political, and financial framework, thereby undermining the newly elected US-backed Lebanese government. The attendees called on U.S. policymakers to oppose harmful measures and instead to support diplomatic and economic initiatives that promote Lebanon's long-term stability and security.
On the issue of Palestine, the meeting addressed the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing the urgent need to invoke the second phase of the ceasefire resolution and urging U.S. acceptance of the Arab League's proposed reconstruction plan for Gaza. Community leaders stressed the importance of facilitating the return of displaced Palestinians and ensuring that U.S. military aid is not used in ways that violate international human rights laws, including any cessation of food, water, or electricity by Israel. They also urged the U.S. government to recognize Palestinian statehood and to play a proactive role in establishing a long-term, just peace in the region.
In light of the recent escalation of violence in Syria, the community leadership enjoins the US government and lawmakers to take decisive actions to prevent the targeting and brutal ethnic cleansing of vulnerable minorities among the civilian population. The community vehemently opposes the loss of life that is being witnessed at the hands of the newly formed Syrian government and due to the continuous Israeli attacks. The community urges the US to demand the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from all Syrian territories.
The Arab American leadership remains committed to advocating for justice, peace, and inalienable human rights in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and the broader Middle East. Community leaders appreciate the willingness of Congresswomen Tlaib and Dingell to engage in these critical discussions and look forward to their continued support in Congress.