Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

11:22 am


Ain Akrine?a village known for sarcophagi

Written by Michella Sassine
Translated by Yara Berbery


NNA- Ain Akrine is a village in Koura District of Lebanon, situated at 650 metersabove sea level and oversees Koura's plain. This village is also known by Nawous town which population does not exceed the 1700 inhabitants.People visit it to admire the view of sarcophagi. Ain Akrine municipality managed to carry a number of developmental projects over the six past years, in spite of its limited possibilities.

In Syriac language, Ain Akrine means abundant water. This village was built next to water springs, and in the past there was a pond located on the road that links the coast with highland. Thispond was used by strollers and livestock, causing thecontamination of its water which means "Akira" in Arabic, the name upon which the village was named.

Ain Akrine Mayor, Fouad Girgis, told the National News Agency that despite the village limited potential, "we were able to do various developmental projects, notably build pillars in streets and a farm road of 1200 meters implanted with olives."

He pointed out that the municipality renovated the old church, Sayidat Al Maounat, from the outside and the inside, and the cost was about 300 thousand dollars, knowing that "we still have to enlarge the church Salon. However, if we receive full financial support, we will need a year to finish reconstructive and municipal work," promising that the municipality will put all its potential to achieve these goals.

"We have paved many roads at the expense of the state, opened a water well at a depth of 550 m. with the help of the Ministry of Energy, represented by its Minister Gebran Bassil. We also changed the water system and placed a water dam," the mayor underscored.

He explained that two years ago, the municipality extended main lines of sanitation project in and outside the town with the help of the Energy and Water Ministry, and began the execution of internal streets projects'in the villages. All these projects, according to Gerges, will help in opening roads in the town.

He called uponthe Ministry of Public Works to accelerate the work of contractors in paving roads.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that fifty years ago, Nawous club was founded in the town and managed to organize a large number of activities, especially during summer, such as rural dinners, scout camps, and other religious festivals in addition to the club's sports activities.

The town is famous for the cultivation of olives, it is also known for its grapes, figs, and carobs, as well as old houses of ancient heritage.

Its children are descended of two families, El Khoury Ibrahim and Antoine Al Alam. When you visit the town, you can meet people of Al Khouri, Al Khouri Boulos, Antonios, Isaac, Boulos, Boutros, Gerges, Doumit, Tannous, Yousef, Abdullah, and Fares' families.

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