Friday 28 Mar 2025 - 12:00

01:53 am


Lebanon?s major events in 2014: Presidential vacuum, Parliament?s extension, Army?s success foiling terror schemes in Tripoli and Arsal

Presidential vacuum and the extension of the House of Parliament’s tenure are the two main events that rocked Lebanon’s political scene in 2014. At the security level, a number of military men got kidnapped by a group of terrorists after the Lebanese Army succeeded in foiling a terrorist scheme to control Arsal and Tripoli.

At the economic level, the House of Parliament’s failure to ratify the ranks and salary scale sparked pandemonium all across the country, as public school teachers went on open strike and refused to mark official exams.

Food safety in Lebanon had a major share of the state’s interests in 2014, thanks to the relentless efforts of Public Health Minister, Wael Abu Faour, who exposed all the Lebanese restaurants, supermarkets, slaughter houses, and even beauty institutions that did not comply with the required safety standards.

However, in the year 2014, Lebanon suffered the painful loss of some of its most renowned artists including Saiid Akl, George Jardak, Joseph Harb, Onsi Al-Hajj, Sabah, Nahawand, and Layla Hakim.

January 2014


- Army stops Abdullah Azzam Brigades, leader Majid al-Majid, who adopts suicide bombings that targeted Iranian embassy.

- 10 wounded in Syrian raid on Arsal outskirt.


- Dead and wounded in car bomb explosion in HaretHreik.

- Syrian raids on Al Naamat region.


- United Arab Emirates renews its demand to its citizens not to travel to Lebanon.

- DNA proves that Haret Hreik's suicide bomber is Koutaiba Alsatem.


- The death of Majid al-Majid due to health problems.

- Islamic State in Iraq and "Daash" adopt bombing of southern suburbs of Beirut.


- US Embassy calls on its citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon.


- Third session for STL ahead of the trial.

- Two soldiers wounded by tossing grenade on Army vehicle in Tripoli.


- 4 Shells fall on hills of eastern town of Qaa from Syrian territory.


- Lebanon files complaint to UN against Israel, on background of spying devices planted by Israel.


- Public Prosecutor Judge Samir Hammoudannounces in an interview with National News Agency that forensic report in case of Majid al-Majid, confirms that death was caused by diseases.


- Mock raids by Israeli enemy over North BekaaValley and Baalbek.

- Acting Public Prosecutor Judge Samir Hammoud, issues decree to hand over body of Majid al-Majid to Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

- Three soldiers wounded in Tripoli as result of fire with gunmen.


- Death of Ariel Sharon.


- Prime Minister Saad Hariri meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.


-Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif,visits Lebanon and meets with officials.


- Prime Minister Najib Mikati arrives in Kuwait, to represent Lebanon in second humanitarian “Pledging Conference for Syria."

- EDL part timers cut off highway of Quarantina for about 4 hours, protesting expulsion of number of KVA day-workers.

- Referendum on new Egyptian constitution starts.

- Rockets and shells land in Arsal from Syrian side.


- Israeli soldiers violate Blue Line in Mays el Jabal.

- Judge Nicholas Thierry appointed in first class room at STL.


- Special Tribunal for Lebanon begins its sessions in The Hague.

- Dead and wounded in car explosion in Hermel.


- Prime Minister Saad Hariri announces his readiness to participate in coalition government with "Hezbollah" as political party.

- Israeli mock raids at night in Baalbek and northern Bekaa.

- Seven individuals killed and several wounded in rocket that hit the town of Arsal. Army announces fall of 20 rockets and shells from Syrian side on Bekaa regions.

- Suicide bomber near Lebanese restaurant in Kabul.

- Many wounded as result of snipping on all axes in Tripoli.


- Three wounded after the fall of three shells in RasBaalbek.

- Spying device found in Adaisseh.

- Clashes on traditional axes in Tripoli and sniping targets international road.


- Dead and wounded in renewed clashes in Tripoli.

- Kidnapping of cleric Rami Azzi in Bekaa Valley.


- Israel dismantles two tapping devices in Adaisseh.

- Clashes on fighting axes in Tripoli.


- Dead and wounded in car explosion in Haret Hreikand Nusra Front in Lebanon adopts blast.

- Two Lieutenants and five soldiers wounded in shell in Tripoli, and one civilian killed and others wounded in renewed clashes.

- Sit- in at entrance of Naameh landfill after its closure following the expiration of a 48-hour deadline given by the landfill closure campaign.


- Two wounded by shell from Syrian side on home of citizen in Dankeh Akkar.

- Opening of Geneva 2 conference in Swiss town of Montreux.

- Eight soldiers wounded by gunmen shooting in Tebanneh.


- Former interior Agent in Progressive Socialist Party Sami Marroush found dead Aley.


- First direct negotiations between Syrian regime and opposition starts today in Geneva under auspices of United Nations.


- Five rockets land in Hermel from eastern mountain range.

- Sheikh Abbas Zugheib wounded and another in armed ambush in Al-leilaki.


- Shells fall in Noura outskirt.

- Ratification of new Tunisian constitution.


- Shooting on highway between Aboudiyeh and Mounjaz from Syrian side.


- President Michel Sleiman launches "Golden Equation" "land, people and common values," considering that equation of "Army, people and resistance" is part of past.

- Two rockets fall in Qaa projects.

February 2014

-Martyrs and wounded in suicide bombing inside Hermel gas station
-Two wounded by bomb tossed at hall of KhashikjiMosque

-Martyrs and wounded in Tripoli skirmishes as number of houses, shops and cars are burnt.
-Suicide bomber kills himself inside Van in Choueifat.
-Bomb tossed over Salim Slam bridge leading to broken glass in various cars.

-Shells fall on outskirts of a town in Aakar.
-Sonic bomb explodes in a dumpster in Tayouneh.

-National memorandum for Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Boutros Rahi, on occasion of Saint Maroun Day.
-MP Bahiyah Hariri files complaint against MTV and Adel Karam.

-Signing of memorandum of cooperation between National News Agency and Talal Abou GhazalehGroup.

-President Michel Sleiman meets his French counterpart, Francois Hollande, in Tunisia, along with chairman of the Parliament of Iran, Ali Larijani.
-Trapped civilians start to leave Homs.

-One wounded by sonic bomb in Haret Saida

-Syrian air-force carries out two raids on Youneen.
-Two wounded by bomb in Tripoli.
-Poet Joseph Harb passes away.

-STL decides to include Merhi’s case to the file of Ayash and others.

-Terrorist Naim Abass captured.
-Explosive material, military equipment and fake IDs discovered in Saadiyat.
-Missiles uncovered in Dibbiyeh set to target Beirut’s southern suburbs.
-Booby-trapped car caught in Labweh driven by Joumana Homeid.
-Booby-trapped car caught in Tareek el Jdeedeh.

-Brigadier Ibrahim Bachir charged with bribery and embezzlement of funds from the Supreme Commission for Relief.
-Marshall Islands retract request to appoint General Jamil Sayyed as their ambassador in UNESCO.
-Former PM Saad Hariri meets with Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abed el Aziz.
-Soldier wounded by grenade in Tripoli.

-Formation of Tamam Salam’s cabinet is announced.

-Booby-trapped car discovered in Ham.

-Various wounded in shelling which targeted Wadi al Raayan.
-Missiles fall on Amhaziyeh, Labweh, and Hrabta as citizens cut-off the international highway in protest.
-Ounssy al Hajj passes away.

-Martyrs and wounded by two suicide bombs in BirHassan.
-Family home of one of the suicide bombers torched in Bayssariyeh.
-Shooting in Tripoli.

-Clashes in Tripoli following death of leader in Arab Baath Socialist Party, the father of one the men charged of the two explosions of Al Taqwa and Al Salam Mosques.

-Maronite Patriarch, Bechara Rahi, meets Saad Hariri in Rome.
-Thwarting Cocaine smuggling operation at RafikHariri International Airport.

-Martyrs and wounded in suicide bombing at LAF checkpoint on Assi Bridge.

-Armed men attack residence of former minister, Mohammad Rahal, in Jib Jinnine.
-Earth quake shakes Tripoli.

-Israeli air-force raids outskirts of Nabi Sheet
-An arrest warrant in absentia issued against former MP Ali Eid.
-Three inmates break out of Roumieh penitentiary.

-Deputies of March 14 Camp, PSP and other independent MPs issue a memo to UN Secretary General asking that the STL includes all cases of assassinations and the attempted assassinations of Marwan Hamadeh and Mohammad Shatah to the trial.

-President Michel Sleiman launches “golden formula” of Land, People, and Common Values to replace the outdated Army, People, Resistance.
-Two missiles fall on Qaa project.

March 2014

- Hezbollah responds to President Michel Sleiman: Baabda Palace resident does not distinguish anymore between gold and wood.

- Instructions to close gas centers in Bir Hassan after security information.


- Wounded after fall of six missiles in Tleilat between towns of Hortala, Brital and Talia, and Nusra Front adopts firing rockets on Brital.

- Syrian air force targets with 18 rockets Wadi Kheiland road between Slita and Arsal.


- Special Tribunal for Lebanon continues its sessions after joining Marhi's case to Ayyash case.

- ISIS adopts firing of three rockets on Labweh.


- Summit meeting between President Michel Sleimanand President Francois Hollande at Elysee Palace.

- Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and Bahrain withdraw their ambassadors from Qatar.

- "Nusra Front" adopts launching of three Grad rockets on Nabi Sheet.

- Israeli army announces its attack against ship carrying developed Iranian weapons in Red Sea.


- Israeli spy balloon above KfarKila and Adaisseh.

- Return of Middle East plane after preventing it from landing in Baghdad for not transporting son of Iraqi minister who arrived late.


- Zahle highway and internal roads cut off protesting kidnapping of Zahle Michel Ibrahim Saqer.

- Army announces fall of three missiles from Syrian side on Labweh and Nabi Osman. "ISIS" adopts launching of missiles.


- Kidnapped Michel Saqer released without paying ransom.

- Two rockets fall on Hermel.

- Shells fired from Syrian side fall in Akkar towns.

- Disappearance of Malaysian plane carrying 239 passengers without finding debris.


- Release of Maloula nuns.


- Six kilos of cocaine thwarted while entering to Lebanon through the airport.

- Wounded in fall of 4 missiles between Seriine and Nabi Sheet and material damage.


- "Jerusalem Brigades" announces launching of 90 shells on Israel, pointing that it fired the slogan "Breaking the Silence on firing rockets process.”


- Child killed and 22 wounded in clashes in Tripoli.

- Death of child and injury of 10 others in Fneideq as result of fever.

- Nusra Front adopts launching of three Grad rockets at heights of Nabi Sheet.

-Three individuals killed due to lightning whichstruck a house in Mar Chaaya.


- Council of Ministers approves ministerial statement and 4 ministers refrain.

- Army announces injury of five soldiers in Tripoli.

- Six killed and 43 wounded in clashes in Tripoli.

- Israeli enemy fires nine shells on Bstara and Haltafarms, when bomb exploded targeting Israeli patrol in occupied territories.


- One soldier killed and five others wounded in attacks on three personnel carriers in Tripoli.

- One killed and 3 wounded after fall of four missiles on Labweh and Nabi Osman.

- Army checkpoint arrests at entrance of Chadra town car carrying ammunition and explosives set for bombing.


- Four martyrs and 10 wounded in suicide bombing on international road, at Nabi Osman. Nusra Front in Lebanon adopts bombing.


- Clashes renewed in Tripoli and 96 wounded.

- Army detonates car bomb between Ras Baalbek and Fakha.

- Rockets on Labweh and Arsal road cut off.


- Roadside bomb exploded in military vehicle next to Faculty of Science in Tripoli.

- Israeli soldiers wounded in roadside bomb in Golan Heights.

- Closure of roads in Beirut and other areas in solidarity with Arsal.


- Israeli raids on Syrian military sites.

- Clashes intensify on Tripoli axes.

- Rockets fall on Wadi Khanazir in Qaa.


- Cabinet wins confidence with 96 votes and 4 refrain.

- Wounded in shooting on Hariri project in Tripoli.

- Israel launches large air balloon carrying cameras in Mtouleh atmosphere facing town of KfarKila.

- Army checkpoint goes under fire in Bokayaa from Syrian side.

- Burning of two houses by shelling from Syrian side on town of Bani Sakhr.


- 25 killed and 175 wounded in clashes in Tripoli.

- Four soldiers wounded in Tripoli.

- Two people killed by Syrian fire at illegal border crossing.


- Clashes on axis of Jabal Mohsen and Tebanneh.

- 300 displaced Syrians cross course of Great River to Wadi Khaled area to escape from Hosn Syrian town.

- Failed attempt to kidnap Bishop Simon Atallah on Iaat road.


- Killed and wounded in clashes that erupted behind Sports City, between group belonging to Shaker Albergawi and Salafis.


- Hand-made bomb found weighing 400 grams oncampus of Faculty of Science in Qoubbeh.


- Opening of Arab summit in Kuwait with participation of President Michel Sleiman.

- Fall of missiles in Hortala and Brital from Syrian territory.


- Dead persons in Tripoli renewed clashes.


- Martyrdom of soldier by gunmen fire in locality of boulevard - Tripoli, while he was heading to his work station.

- Killing of wanted Sami al-Atrash during exchange of fire with Army patrol while raiding his home in Arsal.

- Wounded in Syrian air raids on surrounding mountains of Arsal.


- Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi in Bkirki chairs meeting, in presence of former President Amin Gemayel, Chief of "Change and Reform" MP Michel Aoun and head "Marada" Sleiman Franjieh. The statement called to hold elections on time and follow-up on consultations with patriarch until completion of election process.

- Martyrdom of ISF element by gunmen fire in Tripoli.


- Suicide bomber blows himself up at Army checkpoint in Wadi Atta-Arsal, which resulted in fall of martyrs and wounded in ranks of Army elements, in addition to fall of civilian woman and child.


- Army dismantles bomb set to explode in Tripoli.


- Army confiscates car carrying bomb in Arsal'soutskirts.

- Cabinet accepts Saudi Arabia $ 3 billion gift to army.

- National Dialogue convenes in Baabda.

- EDL part timers cut off roads protesting failure of becoming full timers.

April 2014

- Army starts to implement Security plan in Tripoli.
- Rockets on residential areas in Labweh.
- Parliament approves law to fill vacant posts at EDL via tests restricted to the day-workers at the Company.
- Three explosions in Central Cairo kill a Lieutenant and wound a brigadier, two policemen and two journalists.
- Syrian refugee No. 1 million arrives to Lebanon.
- Civil Defense volunteers cut off roads in protest against their non-rendering full-timers.
- Lebanese Forces party announces candidacy of Geagea for presidency.
- ISIS announces via Twitter responsibility for rockets launched at Labweh.
- Lawsuits against 12 Lebanese, including Refaat Eid, on charges of belonging to terrorist organization, owning weapons and seeking to sow division.
- Enemy flights, mock raids over South Lebanon.
- Dead and wounded in clashes between two Palestinian factions in Miyeh w Miyeh.
- Civil Defense volunteers protest in Beirut, different Lebanese regions, against non-approval of law to render them full-timers.
- Officer, soldier killed in ambush in Qammouaa – Akkar; Man who opened fire at patrol later killed himself.
- Lebanese University contract teachers protest against the non-approval of the law to render them full-timers.
- Ministry of Information contract-workers suspend work for one day at NNA, Radio Liban and Studies Center.
- 15 million Captagon pills seized at Beirut Port during export attempt to Gulf.
- Army starts to implement security plan in Bekaa, Brital mainly.
- Banks Association protests against fiscal measures to fund Salary Scale.
- House Speaker Nabih Berri refuses to receive Banks Associations members until its president publicly apologized for attack launched against MPs, Parliament.
- Deputy Hani Qobeissi files complaint against Head of Banks Association Francois Bassilfor insulting MPs and accusing them of robbery.
- Arrest of Ahmad Al-Atrash nicknamed “Eagle of Arsal”, accused of involvement in car bomb explosions.
- Three kids of Hammoud family killed in fire in Halba.
- General Security Chief, Major General Abbas Ibrahim appointed as Ambassador for Peace and Security for his role in humanitarian missions.
- 71 killed, 124 injured in attack in Abuja – Nigeria.
- Maronite Patriarchate’s website hacked.
- Al-Manar reporter Hamzeh Hajj Hassan, technician Halim Aalweh and videographer Muhammad Mantash killed in Maaloula.
- Parliament votes in majority in favor of postponing discussions into salary scale for 15 days. Committee formed to restudy it.
- General strike called upon by Union Coordination Committee.
- Pope Francis appoints Patriarch of Antioch and All East, Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rahi, member of the Papal Council for Culture.
- General strike upon request of Union Coordination Committee.
- Israeli enemy crosses Blue Line in Bastarafarm, kidnaps two shepherds and three women, and then releases them.
- Israeli enemy forces shoot at four farmers in Khyam field.
- Two Syrians arrested for murdering citizen, cutting his body and throwing it in dumpster. Child rapists arrested in Tripoli; their most recent victims 5-year old twins.
- MP Walid Jumblatt announces Democratic Gathering’s nomination of MP Henry Helofor presidency.
- STL issues new arrest warrants against SalimJamil Ayyash, Mustafa Amin Badreddin, Hassan Habib Merhi, Hussein Hassan Oneissi and Assad Hassan Sabra upon prosecution’s indictment.
- Security Forces implement security day in Tufail; aid, food rations arrive at the village, Red Cross transports wounded.
- First session to elect President.
- Two rockets fall between Hawr Taala and Brital, coming from Eastern Mountain Range.
- STL summons Karma Muhammad Tahsin Al-Khayyat from Al-Jadeed TV and Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Amin from AL-Akhbarnewspaper on charges of defamation and obstruction of justice.
- President Michel Sleiman meets in Rome with Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, stresses need for quorum in all sessions until election of new President.
- Two citizens, seven soldiers (including 2 officers) injured in grenade on patrol in Tripoli; attacker arrested.
- Sanctification of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII at Vatican.
- Jbeil wins Pomme d’Or 2014 Award offered by International Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers.
- Meeting between Former PM Saad Hariri, Minister Gebran Bassil in France.
- General strike upon request of Union Coordination Committee.
- Six candy boxes prepared for smuggling seized with Cocaine inside.
- Second session to elect President adjourned for lack of quorum.
- Five soldiers wounded in ambush by armed group in Arsal Mountains.
- Airport Customs foil attempt to smuggle 4.8 Kg of opium derivatives to Australia.

May 2014

- Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, meets former PM Saad Hariri in Paris, stresses “need to elect new President capable of meeting Lebanon’s requirements, people’s ambitions.”
- Traffic Management Center ranks first in Middle East through #MaMetetMaShefetMinMet (You haven’t died yet; haven’t you seen those who did?).
- ISF website earns award of “Best Strategy for Government Website in Lebanon 2014.”
- Clashes between armed groups, Syrians who tried to smuggle into Lebanon.
- Army arrests Ali Ammoun on charges of involvement in fabricating booby-trapped cars and sending them to Lebanon.
- National Dialogue Committee convenes at Baabda Palace.
- 12 Dunam of Opium damaged in Bekaa.
- Nusra Front militants kidnap four Syrians from Refugees’ camp in Arsal Mountains.
- Third session to elect President adjourned.
- Heavy floods ravage Ras Baalbek, Fekihavillages, cut off international highway.
- General strike upon request of Union Coordination Committee.
- Information Ministry Contract workers decide to stop broadcasting news through the National News Agency, Radio Liban and the Studies Center in protest against their non-inclusion to the full-time project put on the Joint Committees’ agenda. The decision was later withdrawn after Minister RamziJreij received promises from the House Speaker to include the article of rendering them full-timers to the Committees’ agenda.
- Riot in Roumieh prison to protest against “sudden” inspections.
- Union Coordination Committee stages sit-in in front of Social Affairs Ministry.
- Israeli enemy violation in Labbouneh.
- Al-Jadeed TV trial starts in The Hague.
- Public schools teachers go on strike.
- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announces resignation of UN special envoy to Syria Lakhdar Ibrahimi.
- Legislative session set to study salary scale adjourned.
- On “Day of Rage”, UCC launches “May 14 Syndical Movement”.
- Fourth session to elect President adjourned.
- President Michel Sleiman calls upon MPs to hold on to the constitution and implement the laws to finalize the presidential dossier and avoid threats.
- Hezbollah delegation visits MaronitePatriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi to inform the latter of the party’s position regarding his visit to the Holy Land.
- Reconciliation and return ceremony in Breeh.
- EDL day-workers close central building doors.
- New Israeli breach in Labbouneh.
- Islamic-Christian meeting in Bkirki to receive relics of Pope Joh Paul II.
- Tourism Ministry launches “Live Love Lebanon” plan, creates new website: May 18 Lebanese Tourism Day.
- KSA closes its embassy in Libya, evacuates staff.
- Soldiers, officer wounded during raid operations in Bab Tebbeneh.
- Technical education teachers go on strike.
- Bomb found in Rmayleh linked to fuse and Gasoline gallon.
- Customs seize 400 Captagon pills, raid container for manipulation of food expiry dates; offenders arrested.
- Parliament session devoted to discuss letter of President Michel Sleiman.
- Public administrations’ employees, contract-workers stage sit-in under slogan “May 21: employee’s dignity”.
- Aviation services suspended at Beirut Airport due to aerial control workers’ strike.
- Rafic Hariri Hospital employee stage sit-in to protest against salaries’ shortage.
- Enemy infantry patrol points its arms at an Army checkpoint at Fatima Gate, curses soldiers. Shooting from Rouwaisat Al-Alamsite at a shepherd.
- 11 medals for Lebanon in Kickboxing Championship in Greece.
- Fifth session to elect President adjourned. House Speaker Nabih Berri announces open session until end of President Sleiman’sterm.
- Additional aid arrives at Tufail village.
- Constitutional Council suspends law related to amending Civil Defense regulations.
- President Michel Sleiman leaves BaabdaPalace at the end of his Presidential term.
- Historic meeting between Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I, at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, to support unity among Christians.
- Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi accompanies Pope Francis in his visit to Bethlehem.
- Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Liberation Day: We want a President who does not stab Resistance in the back.
- Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal BecharaBoutros Rahi awarded by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas the Star of Jerusalem, the Highest Palestinian Order, at the Presidential Palace in Bethlehem.
- Syrian aircraft raids Eastern Mountain Range heights in Arsal.
- NNA reaps E-government Structural Innovation Award in Dubai.
- Legislative session to approve Salary Scale adjourned.
- Union of Public Administration Workers stage sit-in.
- Islamic-Christian meeting at Dar El-Fatwa.
- Lebanese University contract teachers stage sit-in to request approval of full-time bill.
- Al-Akhbar newspaper’s editor-in-chief Ibrahim Al-Amin participates, from Monteverdi, in the first STL hearing session on charges of defamation and obstruction of justice.
- UCC announces open strike in public sector, boycotts correction of official exams.
June 2015

-Two men from Arsal kidnapped and tortured.

-Syrians who go back to Syria lose the refugee status from both the Lebanese state and the UNHCR.
-Education Minister, Elias Bou Saab, postpones official exams for five days.

-Abed el Fattah el Sisi elected president of Egypt.

-Re-election of President Bashar Assad in Syria.
-US Secretary of State John Kerry arrives to Beirut.
-Union Coordinating Committee (UCC) goes on strike.

-Israeli infantry crosses border line and combs area outside fence.

-Minister of Education confirms official exams will take place in “unprecedented way” as UCC confirms boycott of exams.

-Postponement of sixth presidential election session.
-General strike upon call of UCC.

-Wage Scale session postponed.
-Flights suspended for two hours at Rafik Hariri International Airport.

-beIn Sports TV Channel refuses to grant TL rights to air World Cup.

-One killed, another injured and two others kidnapped during armed attack on Syrian encampment in Wadi Homeid.
-World Cup kicks off in Brazil.

-300 kg of Hashish and 13 million Captagon pills destroyed in Bekaa.
-Three Syrian raids target Ijr Harf and Toufeil.

-Saggesse-Riyadi game postponed to avoid clashes.

-LAF soldier shot in Tripoli.
-TL airs World Cup games for free.

-Rome’s international conference for the support of the LAF confirms importance of backing the armed forces for the sake of Lebanon’s stability.
-Israeli forces carry out live ammunition drill in occupied Shebaa Farms.

-Seventh presidential election session postponed.
-Violent clashes erupt on Toufeil and Rankouss field axis.

-Wage scale legislative session fails to convene. Speaker Nabih Berri leaves the matter open for further contacts. UCC confirms strike will go on.
-Aviation suspended for two hours due to failure to set wage scale.

-Martyrs and wounded in suicide attack on two checkpoints for ISF and LAF on Daher el Baydar.
-ISF blocks roads, raids hotels.
-French embassy asks its nationals to limit their movement in Lebanon.

-Syrian killed when bomb goes off between his hands in Wadi Aata.
-Syrian Foreign Ministry announces that Israel raided its lands.
-Five customs’ employees charged with bribery and embezzlement.

-Martyrs and wounded in suicide attack on LAF checkpoint in Tayouneh.
-French Foreign Ministry confirms arrest of French national preparing for attack in Lebanon.

-Suicide bomber kills himself in an explosion in Duroy hotel in Raouche during a raid by General Security.

-Meeting between Saad Hariri and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Paris.
-Samer Salim wins Finland’s Marathon.

-President Rashid Solh passes away.
-MP Michel Helou passea away.

-Two missiles fall near a school close to Britel.
-Martyrs and wounded in clashes in Shatila Camp between Palestinian group and Nasser al Drouby and Al Zeer family.

July 2014

- Former French President Nicolas Sarkouzi detained over abuse of authority
- Bomb explodes next to Army patrol at Bab El Ramlin Tripoli
- Strike and sit-in upon the call of Union of Coordination Committee (UCC)

- Presidential election session postponed for the eighth time
- A Syrian killed, an officer and a judicial police member injured during arrest of a wanted person in Boudai
- A bomb tossed next to a coffee shop at Bab El-Tabbaneh results in the injury of some persons
- One of the most dangerous wanted persons over killing and theft in Baalbeck arrested after he opens fire on a police raid force and injures two of them
- Radical Jewish settlers in Al-Quds, kidnap, torture and burn alive the youth Mohammed Abu Khudair.
- Israeli aggression against West Bank and El-Quds

- Syrian air rockets at Ersal border outskirts kill and injure many persons
- Repeal of “beIN Sports” law case against T.L. over broadcasting World Cup 2014 matches

- Lebanon scores Arab championship in target shooting with 5 gold and 1 silver medals
- Syrian air raids on Wadi El-Kheil region in Ersal

- Two earthquakes hit Lebanon

- Many persons killed others injured in Israeli air raids in line with a military operation against Gaza strip

- Israeli violation to regional waters off Nakouraregion
- Security force deploy  in Ain El-Helweh camp
- Rocket from the eastern range falls east of Al-Fakiha village
- Aggression against Gaza continues, Al-Kassamfactions announce the bombardment of two military Israeli bases

- 160 Israeli air raids on Gaza strip at night
- Hadi Al-Bahra elected a new president for the National Syrian Opposition Coalition
- Tents are raised at Abou Ali roundabout to oppose detention of Allouki and his companions.
- Protestors demanding the release of Roumiehdetainees march to Nahr Abou Ali roundabout and skirmishes with Army members
- Israeli bombardment on the outskirts of Kfarshoubaand Hilta villages
- Rockets fired at Israel's Ben Gurion airport
- Egyptian authorities close Rafah crossing

- Rockets fired from Qoleileh plain towards occupied Palestine
- Israeli forces bombard villages and regions in South Lebanon

- Rockets fired from Qoleileh plain towards occupied Palestine
- Israeli forces bombard villages and regions in South Lebanon
- Germany crowned 2014 worldcup championship

- Persons killed, others wounded in battles at Nahlehand Younine outskirts
- Rocket fired from Ras El-Ain towards the Palestinian occupied territories
- Israeli bombardment on the coastal region from RasAl-Ain to Koleile village

- Mortar missiles fall on Akroum village outskirts; two rockets fall on Ersal outskirts wounding some persons
- A rocket fired from Rachaya Al-Fakhar vicinity falls on Lebanese territories

- A strike upon the call of UCC
- Israel warms hundred Thousand of Gaza population to evacuate their homes
- Two rockets fall in Britel and Tibeh villages

- Lebanon files a complaint to UN Council over the Israeli violations to Lebanon’s sovereignty and resolution 1701
- A Malaysian plane boarding 300 passengers crashes next to Ukrainian- Russian borders after being hit by a surface –to- air rocket

- Israel occupying forces transfer Al-Quds to military barracks and close Al-Aqsa Mosque  beforeworshipers
- Bulgaria announces that the person who attacks the Israeli persons in Borgas carries both French and Lebanese nationalities.

- Missiles fall on Al-Boukaiya region and Beni Sakhrvillage in Akkar

- An Israeli soldier captured in Gaza
- Kataeb Al-Kassam kills 5 Israeli soldiers in an attack next to Rafah
- More than 100 martyrs in Gaza bombardment in one day
- Four ISF members wounded during the arrest of a terrorist

- Lebanon expresses media solidarity with Gaza via a unified news broadcast

- Rocket fired from Shebaa outskirts at night falls within Lebanese territories
- State Shoura Council issues decision to directly implement the new traffic law
- Religious Council dissolution in light of the resignation of six of its members.

- Ninth session to elect new President postponed
- Royal Jordanian Airlines and Air France suspend their trips to and from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv
- Four rockets fall in Al-Bazzalieh, Hrabta and Labboueh villages

- Twenty Lebanese killed in an Algerian airlines plane crash

- Armed persons attack Army point at Ersal outskirts
- Katyusha fired towards northern occupied Palestine falls on the Lebanese side
- Hizbullah General Secretary Al-Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah personally appears in Al-Quds Day celebration

- A parliamentary session in solidarity with Gaza and Al-Mosul

- Meeting between MP Walid Jumblatt and HizbullahGeneral Secretary Al-Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

- Israeli army warns citizens of Gaza surroundings to evacuate their homes

- Persons wounded in Syrian air raids on Ersaloutskirts; 4 rockets fall on Northern Bekaa coming from Eastern Mountain Range
- An Israeli force kidnaps herd of goats at Seddanehmountain hills

- A Lebanese expatriate passes away after being shot in Abidjian
- Two rockets fall at the vicinity of Hermel city
- Majida Roumi first Humanitarian Ambassadress in the Middle East

- UN Council calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

August 2014

- Israeli officer captured in Gaza

- Members of the Army killed, many wounded and servicemen kidnapped in a terrorist attack on two army checkpoints and on an ISF contingent in Ersal
- Army martyrs in violent clashes in Ersal
- Fierce clashes in Tripoli between Army and masked armed persons

- Violent clashes continue in Ersal and intensive displacement movement out from the village

- Army announces the martyrdom of 14 persons, the injury of 86 and the missing of 22 servicemen
- Children killed in Ersal and armed persons rob houses and shops
- Rocket fired from Lebanese territories falls in Arnoun village

- Violent clashes continue in Ersal
- 7 Soldiers injured as a result of opening fire on a bus in Tripoli
- 3 Sheikhs of Muslims Scholars’ committee injured upon their entrance to Ersal
- 3 Interior Security members are set free in Ersal

- An explosion in Tripoli 30 meters away from an Army point claims the lives of many people and injured others
- 3 servicemen are set free in Ersal upon an agreement between Muslims Scholars’ committee and Daesh and Nusra
- Clashes between Popular Front General Command and an armed group in Kfarzabad field
- Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri announces from Jeddah a 1 billion KSA grant to Lebanese Security Forces
- Interior Minister signs the decree to call electoral committees of residential and non-residential Lebanese
- Roads closed in Bekaa to protest banning aid from entering Ersal
- Army liberates 7 servicemen captured by terrorists in Ersal
- Calm prevails in Ersal after terrorists withdraw to the border region and red-cross vehicles enter the village.
- Daesh armed persons force 100 thousand Christians in Al-Mosul to leave the area.

- Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri returns to Lebanon

-  Army enters Ersal village

- Sheikh Abdel Latif Derian elected Mufti of the Republic
- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoganelected President of the Turkish Republic.

- Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri donates $ 15 million to Ersal village
- Negotiations between Education Minister and Educational committees to resume correcting official exams fail
- Tenth parliamentary session to elect new president postponed

- Strike and sit-in upon a call from Union Coordination Committee

- Council of ministers authorizes Education minister to give students certificates
- EDL part-timers set up tents inside the company’s premises

- Disclosure of the truth of the electronic account known as “Liwa’a Ahrar Al-Sunna in Baalbek” (Sunnite Liberal Brigadier in Baalbek) and arrest of its taskmaster

- Certificates given to carriers of official exams cards

- Release of two servicemen kidnapped by “NusraFront”

- Teachers’ syndicate decide to back from its decision to boycott the correction of official exams
- Council of Ministers signs the decree to call for electoral committees

- Patriarchs: Bechara Rai, Ghorigorius III Laham, Youssef III Younane, Ignatios Afram leave to Erbil to express solidarity with displaced Christians

- “Change and Reform” bloc presents a suggestion to amend the constitution to have people elect a president
- Strike and sit-in upon a call from UCC

- Muslims scholars’ committee suspend its mediation regarding kidnapped servicemen
- 70 persons killed in opening fire in a Mosque in Iraq
- Two soldiers injured in Tripoli by the explosion of a sonic bomb

- Two rockets fired from the south towards occupied Palestine
- Iran brings down an Israeli spying plane which attempts to violate a restricted nuclear zone

- Persons wounded in bombs explosion at Zahriehregion in Tripoli
- Rocket fired from Al-Jarmac region towards Palestinian occupied territories
- Israeli bombardment to south regions
- A truce agreement accomplished between Hamas and Israel

- A martyr and 3 wounded from the Army in clashes in Ersal
- Army frees 4 servicemen captured in a terrorist ambush
- 43 members from UN Peacekeeping Forces in the Golan Heights captured

- Roads closed in Akkar after the broadcast of soldier Ali Al-Sayyed execution video
- Equipment and ammunition grant from the U.S.A to the Army

- Release of Five kidnapped soldiers
- Kidnapped servicemen’s families close a number of roads and set up tents in the middle of Al-Abdehhighway 

- Kidnapped servicemen’s families close a number of roads.

September 2014

- Handing over the body of army martyr Ali Sayyed
- Families of military hostages cut off Qalamoun road
- Earthquake jolts Lebanon
- Israeli enemy sets antenna off Naqqar Pond, equipped with spying devices.

- House session to elect president of the republic postponed for 11th time
- Around 200 thousand Captagon pills ready for sale seized on local market.

- Families of military hostages hold sit-in in RiadSolh Square and block road in front of Tripoli refinery
- ISIS terrorists behead one Arsal citizen.

- Civilian killed as Israeli enemy explodes tapping device in Adloun.

- ISIS slaughters kidnapped soldier Abbas Medlej
- Gunshot targets army patrol in Qaa, killing one assailant.
- Fierce clashes in Arsal outskirts between army and terrorists.

- Tit-for-tat abductions in Bekaa
- Missiles hit number of Bekaa towns.

- Former president Michel Sleiman launches initiative on curbing self-imposed security measures, calls for summoning army reservists and implementing Baabda Declaration.
- Setting up of tents amid Chtaura-Zahle way, in protest at kidnapping citizen from Saadnayel.

- Families of military hostages hold sit-in in Martyrs Square.

- US President Barack Obama says ready to stage airstrikes in Syria against ISIS
- Booby-trapped car with 100 kg of explosives dismantled in Wadi Hmayed
- 11 states including Lebanon undertake to work on fighting ISIS following regional meeting in Jeddah
- Obama welcomes delegation of East Patriarchs.

- Israeli spying balloon off Mays-al-Jabal
- Formation of Electoral Campaign Supervision Committee, headed by Judge Nadim Abdel Malak
- Dismantling bomb near Martyrs Square in Sidon.

- Interpol wanted for transferring terrorists between Lebanon and Syria arrested.

- Prime Minister Tammam Salam in Qatar to broach affair of military hostages
- Family of kidnapped soldier Ali Bazzal blocks North Bekaa-Homs way after receiving threats of his execution
- Lebanese airliner makes emergency landing in Rome after hoax on bomb presence aboard.

- Baalbeck lawmakers conclude honor pact to skirt violence, adductions, and roads cut-off
- EDL under 'shock,' power production units disrupted.

- US-lead airstrikes against IS in Iraq kick off
- Army face gunmen infiltration attempt in Flitaoutskirts
- Ordination of Sheikh Abdullatif Darian as Grand Mufti of the Lebanese Republic
- Last day of presenting candidacies to legislative polls closes down on 514 names.

- Terrorists kidnap soldier from home in WadiHmayed
- Confiscation of 198 thousand Captagon pills.

- Sayyed Hani Fahs passes away
- Houthi forces enter Sanaa.

- Two army martyrs and three injured as bomb explodes in Wadi Hmayed
- al-Nusra Front declares Mohammad Hamiyeh first victim of 'Lebanese army's intransigence'
- France stages first airstrike in northeast Iraq.

- Crash of enemy spying jet near Khiyam
- Explosion of booby-trapped car at Hezbollah checkpoint between Khraibi and Ham.

- Five killed, six injured in horrid accident at Saadiyat highway.

- Families of military hostages cut off Falougha-Dahr-al-Baidar, and Qalamoun roads
- 40 poisoning cases at Baabeck hospitals.

- One martyr, two injured from the military in gunfire at army outpost in Beddawi
- Postponement of 13th session to elect president of the republic
- US and allies stage airstrikes on ISIS sites in Syria
- Israeli army downs Syrian jet over Golan.

- Families of military hostages erect tents on Dahr-al-Baidar road
- Three army outposts in Tripoli receive bullets, one military man injured.

- Spiritual summit at Dar-al-Fatwa confirms no East without Christians, Muslims.

- Kataeb Party announces its MPs won't partake in any session relevant to election of new president
- British Parliament approves airstrikes against IS in Iraq.

- Families of military hostages block Qalamoun-Tripoli, Tarshish-Zahle, and Dahr-al-Baidar ways.

- Electricity station in Wadi Jilo burns due to lightning
- Israeli infantry unit crosses technical wire in outskirts of Mays-al-Jabal village.29/9

- Anti-IS coalition intensifies airstrikes on ISIS in Syria and Iraq and targets oil refineries occupied by ISIS.

- Release of two military hostages.

October 2014

- Parliament resumes activity after five-month stoppage to legislate urgent items: endorsement of six agreements and referral of salary scale draft to the joint committees.

- Selection of Talal Abu Ghazaleh an International Ambassador of Social Responsibility

- Arrival of first airliner to start air scan to explore oil and gas
- Bomb set for explosion found in Ras Sarj

- Clashes between army and gunmen in Arsaloutskirts.
- Israeli attack on Lebanese army outpost in Saddaneh-Shebaa
- Many killed and injured among gunmen who attacked Hezbollah outpost in Brital outskirts.

- Families of military hostages again block Tarshish, Qalamoun, Dahr-al-Baidar roads.

- Soldier killed while dismantling bomb in Tripoli free zone
- Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri meets French President François Hollande
- Bomb explodes in a passing by Israeli unit inside Shebaa farms; occupation force fire artillery shells next
- Many wounded in clashes between Jaafar and Zeaiter families in Hayy Sharawena
- Student Mohammad Mir reaps title of "First Genius in the World," for children under 12.

- Families of military hostages reopen Dahr-al-Baidarroad, move to Riad Solh
- Israeli army levels spying balloon above Wazzaniheights.
- Attack on army in Tripoli, Arsal
- Citizen sets himself ablaze in Chtaura Square.

- Lebanese army defects from military, joins al-NusraFront.

- Soldier absconds, joins ISIS.

- Bomb tossed at army outpost in Tripoli, no casualties reported.

- Closed meeting between former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros Rahi in Vatican
- Syrian shells and gunshots on Abboudiye-Menjezhighway, and bombarding gunmen sites in Arsaloutskirts
- Israeli air force launches thermal balloons in BintJbeil District.

- Installment of Israeli monitoring devices in JabalSaddaneh heights.
- Rockets and bullets hit outskirts of Hekr Janine and Qashlaq in Akkar.

- 16/10
- Lebanon lodges complaint before UNSC against Israel for wounding Lebanese soldier in gunfire on army outpost in Saddaneh
- Fire opened at army patrol in Tripoli, one assailant injured, others escaped.
- Bomb dismantled in Tripoli.

- Soldier killed as gunfire targets bus on Bireh way in Akkar
- Soldier wounded as gunfire targets army patrol in Zahriyeh.

- Munitions found near house of General Security Chief, General Abbas Ibrahim, in Kawthariyat al-Siyyad
- One apprehended for planning to attack army outpost with bombs in Tripoli.

- Tent erected in Saadnayel in protest at abduction of citizens.
- Families of military hostages block Qalamoun road, clash in Saifi
- Enemy airspace off Riaq, Baalbeck, West Bekaa.

- Army arrests Ahmad Salim Mikati from ISIS
- Sit-in upon the call of the Union of the Civil Servants in solidarity with Justice Ministry's employee, Manal Daou.

- Military and civilians injured in fire trade in internal souks of Tripoli between army and gunmen
- Vehicle affiliated with joint security forces hit by bullets from Syrian side on Abboudiyeh-Menjezhighway in Akkar.

- Fierce clashes continue between army and gunmen in Tripoli, and Mufti Malek Chaar hosts meeting at his residence to confirm support for army and security forces and the measures they see as suitable
- Six army martyrs in clashes in Tripoli and its vicinity
- Fierce clashes in Bhannine between army and gunmen.

- Clashes continue in Bab-el-Tabbaneh
- Five army martyrs in Bhannine clashes
- Confiscation of two booby-trapped cars in vicinity of Salam school in Bhannine
- Abduction of army member in Bab el-Tabbaneh.

- Families of military hostages Seif Zebian and Khaled Hassan receive phone call from kidnappers threatening to behead their sons.

- Postponement of session to elect president of the republic for 14th time
- Families of military hostages set tires ablaze in RiadSolh
- Clashes in outskirts of Deir Ghazal and Qawsaya.

- Sweden recognizes state of Palestine.

- Missile and five bombs found in vegetables market in Tripoli, placed by gunmen to target army units.

November 2014

-Depot for weapons seized in Bab Tebbaneh
-Army issues warrant to arrest Bilal Dekmak

-Army detonates bomb on Haret Saida road after failing dismantlement

-Lebanon ranks first in throwing sports in Istanbul
-Four rockets from Lebanon’s eastern mountain range fall in Hermel

-KSA and France sign agreement to arm Lebanese military with USD 3 B

-Parliament extends its period till June 2017 by 95 votes
-Youths from civil movements protest against parliamentary extension
-George Jerdak passes away
-French Court of Cassation refuses releasing George Abdallah

-Israeli land violation in outskirts of Jabal ShehelShebaa, 3 hostile choppers breach regional waters

-Hand grenade thrown from car in Baalbeck wounds 2

-Deserter Omar Shamtieh surrenders to army intelligence in North

-Beirut Marathon comprises 37 thousand persons from 94 countries

-Israeli occupying forces plant spy system in Ruwayset Alam outpost
-Army dismantles bomb inside minibus in Arsal

-Health Minister Wael Abu Faour discloses results of food safety campaign: Lebanese food plunged in diseases and samples show excrements
-Colonel and sergeant in customs department arrested due to smuggling cellular phones

-Philae robot lands on comet for first time in space history

Bloc of Reform and Change snubs before constitutional council parliamentary extension 

-Bomb explosion in Arsal surrounding wounds 3 army members including officer, dismantling two other bombs near targeted spot

-Two killed and other civilians injured due to fire trade between army and terrorists in Brital, Daw Al Waseaa and Btedei

-KSA, Bahrain, UAE decide to return their ambassadors to Qatar
-Families of military hostages burn tires in Riad Solh

-Families of military hostages burn tires in Riad Solh, block roads in Saifi and Kalamoun after receiving warnings from terrorists of starting slaying soldiers
-STL starts hearing MP Marwan Hmade

-Flash bombs over heights of Jabal Saddaneh and Ruweiset Al Alam, and bombs in Shebaa Farms

-Postponing 15th session for electing Lebanese president

-Two missiles fall in east of Shebaa for the first time from the Syrian side

-Family of kidnapped soldier Ibrahim Mogheit meets its son in Arsal outskirts
-Citizen Mustafa Al Hujairi released after being kidnapped for one month
-Family of kidnapped soldier receives news of their son’s martyrdom from General Security chief AbbasIbrahim

-Dispute in Ain el Helwe and fire shots in air

-President Michel Sleiman awarded top Vatican medal in Vatican
-Dead and wounded due to clashes in Burj Al Barajenah camp
-Family of kidnapped soldier Khalid Mokbel receives from terrorists via phone warning of killing their son

-Arresting one of most dangerous chemical experts and producer of captagon pills and 2 other members of an international drugs smuggling network 

-Legend Sabah passes away
-US Department of State warns US citizens of going to Lebanon for security reasons

-Constitutional council returns the contest against parliamentary extension out of effect in order not to expand vacuum in state institutions
-Families of military hostages block Saifi road and dispute with security forces that want to open it
-Saeed Akl passes away

-Bomb anti-vehicles mine detected in Arsal outskirts

-Bomb dismantled near fence of university complex in Hadath

December 2014

-55 employees at estates survey departments referred to interrogations, lawsuits against them by general prosecution for financial affairs
-Families of military hostages burn tires in front of Grand Serail, block roads in Martyrs Square and Bezzalieh

-Ambush kills 6 soldiers and wounds another in RasBaalbeck’s outskirts
-General Security affirms deserted Colonel AbdallahHussein Al Rifai still attested, not related to deal of exchange between Hezbollah and Free Syrian Army
-Army arrests one of the wives of Daash leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Suja Dulaimi
-Army arrests wife of Nusra senior Anas Sharkas and her brother in Heelan in Zgharta
-French MPs vote in favor of admittance to Palestinian state by majority of 339 votes

-One martyr, 2 wounded of army during dismantling a bomb in Ain Ata valley
-Sagesse wins Abu Dhabi’s international championship in basketball

-Army counters hostile reconnaissance plane above Riaq
-Kidnapped ISF soldier Ali Bazzal executed by Nusra
-Announcing agreement on project relevant to EDL’s daily laborers, reopening EDL’s doors

-Clashes between army and terrorists in Arsaloutskirts
-Scene of armament in Bezzalieh, families of kidnapped soldiers cut off international route in Kalamoun and the seaway to seaport
-Army soldier wounded by anonymous fire shooters in Baalbeck

-Israeli fire shots against Jabal  Saddaneh and hostile aerial move above the South and Bekaa
-Tw Israeli air raids near Damascus

-Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, John X, addresses all human beings: Let our peoples live
-Lebanese Richard Helou receives the best inventor award for inventing diving apparatus to facilitate rescues
-Three dead, 2 injured by Syrian air raids on sidelines of Arsal

-STL decides to include MP Walid Jumblatt in the witnesses list
-Angela Merkel elected for the 8th time as head of Christian Democratic Union

-Postponing the 16th session for electing president
-Over 3419 emigrants die in the Mediterranean Sea in 2014
-Four medical observers in public health ministry arrested for pilferage

-Bodyguards of Pierre Fattouch beat colleagues Youmna Fawwaz and Saad Ayyad and arrest them
-Dispute in Taamir in Ain el Helwe between Information Branch of ISF and Palestinian resistance brigades
-Jbeil’s Christmas tree ranks second in the world

-President Amin Gemayel visits Marjeyoun and Hasbayya for the first time since 1980s

-Families of kidnapped soldiers demonstrate in RiadSolh after a weak from Ali Bazzal’s martyrdom
-Authority arrests 5 in Arsal with one of them carrying weapons and exploding belt

-PM Tammam Salam and Vice UN Secretary General Jan Eliasson launch Lebanon’s plan to respond to crisis: the plan covers 2.9 million persons and requires a USD 2.1 billion funding
-Families of military hostages burn tires in front of Grand Serail after receiving threats from Daash of starting executions
-Terrorist breach in one of Sydney’s coffeehouses, take hostages and kill two of them before Australian special military derails breach and kills terrorist

-Lebanese Forces bloc suspends participation in parliamentary communication committee
-Lebanon no longer on list of dangerous airlines
-95 at least killed, among them 82 children, byTaliban assault against school belonging to army in Peshawar

-Hostile planes above Orkoub and Farms, Combing in Wazzani reaches Shebaa
-Hamas no longer on EU list of terrorist organizations
-French embassy hails agreement between France and Lebanon as concerning the implementation of the special initiative for supporting Lebanese Army

-UN adopts decision to push Israel to pay compensations for Lebanon over the fuel zone of July 2006 aggression

-National mourning day for victims of Algerian plane

-Iranian Shoura Council head Ali Larijani visits Beirut

-Dialogue between Future and Hezbollah in Ain El Tineh starts
-Plan to smuggle 14 kg of cocaine via Beirut airport fails
-Families of military hostages open road in Riad Solhas feast’s gift

-Daesh downs plane for international coalition and jails Jordanian pilot

-Intensive hostile reconnaissance above the mid strip

-Army announces that going to and from Arsalcannot be without written notice from intelligence

-People of Arsal block road in Ain Al Shaab by tires to protest security measures taken by army

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