Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:25 pm


Deir el Ahmar suffers drought while water runs underneath it

Written by Siham Habshi

Translated by Lynn Waked

A new-old problem emerged once again this year due to the rain entrapment across Lebanon, where most of the residents complain about the poor management and neglect of water resources, particularly in the area of Deir el Ahmar.

This town, which includes about 14 villages, has been experiencing a significant shortage in potable and irrigation water because of the lack of water from other sources; springs have run dry and the town's artesian well has suffered malfunctioning for several reasons.

A letter to the Water and Energy Minister

The town inhabitants addressed a letter, about a month ago, to the Minister of Energy and Water, Artur Nazarian, and explained the difficulties they have been encountering due to the declining amount of rainfall and scarcity of springs in the surrounding towns, making clear to the Minister that they had no other solution than to use the water of the artesian wells to fulfil their needs of potable water.

In their letter, the residents shed light on the importance of carrying out maintenance works to these water wells and of supplying them with the necessary equipment for their operation.

They also called for adopting a program of water rationing, so as to convert most of the amount of water to irrigation water until the winter and springs seasons' agriculture was be over.

Bishop Semaan Atallah answered the calls of the town's inhabitants and headed to the Bekaa Water Institution to meet with its head.

The latter expressed full preparedness to carry out needed procedures to solve the water issue, especially after knowing that the St. Joseph artesian well could be re-operated.

When the Bishop was asked about "Ain Daher" well, he said that it was an endless water spring that needed an investment project worth billions of dollars.

The Bishop also pointed out some Christian-Muslim, as well as inter-Christian conflicts on water issues.

He has in that respect called on the town residents to have faith and unite for the public interest to achieve equality in water distribution.

A month ago, the re-operation works of St. Joseph well began, but until now it hasn't been ready to fulfil the needs even of a small amount of towners.

Days are passing by and works are being carried out in St. Joseph well at a snail's pace, especially that the pipes suffer numerous defections that don't seem to be utilizable.

Deir el Ahmar residents can do nothing now but pray and hope that their needs would be answered before they die of thirst!

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