Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

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Zgharta? a city that takes pride in rich Maronite heritage and culture

Written by Rania Doueihi
Translated by AssaadMaalouf

“Zgharta”, a word that goes back to the Amorite period (200 B.C.), means fortified region. Zgharta used to be considered one city with Ehden. It developed throughout history to become vitally commercial with the hundreds of big trade shops it enfolded. This burgeoning city is the homeland of a number of high ranking dignitaries, including political and religious figures, as well as artists, historians, poets, men of letters and media men.

Zgharta is well famed for its numerous churches and historical religious sites. Ehden’s people, for instance, built out of the rocks of Zgharta’s old fortress the Church of Notre Dame de Zgharta that’s located on top of a stony hillock, surrounded by Rashiin and Joueit Rivers.

The historic church of Zgharta pinpoints the heavy struggle of its predecessors and signifies how deeply rooted they had been to their land which established the essence of their religious and national belief throughout the long history of Maronite Christians. The old people of Ehden used to honor their land and defend its sacred rank to death, and the Virgin had always supported them during harsh circumstances and aggressive assaults. The Virgin thereupon had its own private and high status in the hearts of Zgharta and Ehden’s people.

Zgharta’s churches are among the richest in Lebanon as they possess old religious books, historic writings, as well as artistic vessels. The churches were repaired several times, with their walls being chiseled in different decorative methods to restore that beautiful design of antiquity and to become that chef d’oeuvre in the world of church building in Lebanon. In the fronting squares of churches had been found a building set specifically to ensure religious services to people.
Every single house in Zgharta has a picture of Zgharta’s Notre Dame, even emigrant families have the picture of their own homes. On Notre Dame Day (August 15), people grew accustomed to walking a 25 Km distance from Ehden to Zgharta to visit the Church and pray for Virgin Mary, the protector.

Zgharta’s churches:

- Saint Barbara Church, built in 18th C., rehabilitated in 1996.

- Hara Notre Dame, built in 1899.

- John the Baptist Church, built in 1950 under the support of Emigrant Sheikh Kabalan Mukari. In the year 1955, the famous artist Saliba Doueihi was requested to add new religious paintings to the walls of the Cathedral to augment its beauty.

- Saint Maroun Cathedral, built in 1999 under the support of emigrant Michel Fouad Sayegh.

- Saint Joseph Cathedral, built in 1947.

- Saint Sarkis and Bakhos, built in 1854.

Zgharta, the copious in Maronite culture and heritage, played a significant role at the religious and national levels. Its people always follow the track of their grandfathers and predecessors and stand in front of Notre Dame de Zgharta’s picture with their heart permanently pulsing love and glorification to the Virgin, by saying:
“You are our resort;we always seek your support.”

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