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Batroun/Tannourine Highway awaits Council of Ministers, Khair: Half a million USD ends the crisis

Written by Rima Youssef
Translated by Rasha Zantout

NNA – People of Batroun were relieved when work began on the Batroun-Tannourine Highway which will create two shortcuts for vehicles.

The first is from the Assia-Daael junction leading to Douma-Tannourine el Tahta junction. The second road-link is from Bijdarfil to Assia-Daael junction. Drivers will be able to cross the highway in twenty minutes instead of an hour and fifteen minutes.

The highway was established by the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) and executed by Nassim Abu Habib Foundation for Industry and Enterprise. The entire infrastructure, except for electricity, was set to avoid any future need for drilling.

The residents of Batroun’s outskirts are in need of such a wide and rapid road, since their only option is a path for carriages that dates back to the days of the Ottoman empire which has caused numerous painful accidents, despite some of its stretches being used for car racing.  This highway will have many benefits for the region. It will revive the countryside and encourage people to return to their lands. It will also better communication with Koura, Batroun’s neighboring region.

The story of Batroun-Tannourine Highway is lengthy, as is anything developmental in Lebanon.  It was contended over by politicians and field problems also hindered the project.  Three major hindrances arise, illegal real-estate built on state-owned lands, which prompted the CDR to pull out of the project and ask the Higher Relief Commission (HRC) to solve this “dilemma.”


HRC Secretary-General, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khair, told the NNA, “The dossier of Batroun-Tannourine Highway is old and long. It revives the region and PM Tammam Salam is very interested in it along with the region’s deputies who are endeavoring to complete it the soonest possible.”

He clarified that the “biggest part of the highway has been accomplished.” Khair pointed to the problem of the three real-estate constructions erected on it, saying “if the property is not legal we cannot pay compensations. For instance, property number 350 belongs to the Lebanese State and it is not logical to reimburse a violator. The land belongs to the State and whoever built on it is in violation of the law.”

Khair numerated the illegal constructions, “Property 350 which contains one apartment, three shops and a warehouse; property 349, which includes six residential units, nine shops and a warehouse; property 507 in Aabreen, and it includes four warehouses and seven apartments.” He indicated that these constructions were built illegally and without permits and the fault falls on the municipality “first and foremost.” Khair explained that the problem was presented to the CDR, which in turn “washed its hands” from it and was thus transferred to the HCR.

Khair, however, asserted that every problem has a solution. “The Judge of compensation estimation is present to clarify whether these properties are valid property or not. As for their status, it is clearly an infringement on public and State property. In order not to hinder the project further, it is possible to pay some compensation for the stone used to build these constructions. However, this act is purely humanitarian, and on this basis we will offer housing compensation for the residents, for the gross amount of half a million US Dollars. If this money is made available, then we have no problem. What is important is the approval of the Council of Ministers.

“The issue is that the contractor wants to finalize the project, which is supervised by the CDR. People too want to end this matter in order to move elsewhere. We hope to reach a conclusion.”

Khair concluded with what matters the most, “good intentions to finalize the highway.”

“We want to provide the money with the approval of the Council and its head provided that politicians and ministers do not object to the project. There is a humanitarian matter and an error that occurred and officials must all be held responsible.”

Khair estimated a solution will be reached in the near future.

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