Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:22 pm


Joy of Giving, JRS in educational cooperation to launch peace message

Report by Lamia Chdid

Translated by Aline Aoun

NNA - The establishment of a culture of peace is the first goal of Joy of Giving "Farah el Ataa ". It searches for kids who are suffering, whether Lebanese or foreigners. Previously, it worked with the children of Lebanon, then Iraq, and today with the children of Syrian refugees' families.

"Farah el Ataa" feels content when it addresses pain and deprivation, where there is need to live in peace away from sectarianism. We see it working in the prisons and where destruction exists.

Previously, the association embraced in Kfifan the children of Iraq. It gathered them together with Lebanese children in several camps.

This integration and involvement yielded to the opening of a branch by this association in Iraq under the name of "Farah el Ataa- Iraq". Today, it is launching a peace message with Syrian children without any sectarianism.

In collaboration with the "JRS" (Jesuit Refugee Service in Lebanon), "Kfifan School was launched to embrace 100 children of displaced Syrian families in the Batroun region -- 100 kids between the ages of 5 and 15 years, whom the Syrian war has stolen their childhood and prevented them from carrying out their education.

"Kfifan School  is the third school in Lebanon for Syrian children. Its aim is to take care of them and liberate them from tragedy and scenes of death and destruction which control their lives," the  one in charge of Joy of Giving's educational program, Romy Dergham, said.

Dergham spoke about the details of the educational program, which includes students within a specific weekly schedule and includes teaching Arabic, French , English, mathematics, sport, arts and information.

"The simplest things generate  joy for these children -- they express their cheerfulness when they receive a book or even a meal," Dergham said.

She noted that JRS LEBANON contributes with the association in providing a daily meal to the students.

"Farah el Ataa " has equipped the center while JRS provided funds, stationery, books and bags of school, in addition to transportation of students to and from school, as well as the salaries of members of the teaching staff , which includes 12 teachers.

Philip Yazbek, the one in charge at Kfifan association, stressed the need to build a strong relationship with the parents by organizing private meetings to strengthen cooperation between the administration and the teachers.

"There is a great demand from a number of parents to register their children, but the place cannot tolerate more than 100 kids," Yazbek added.

One member of the teaching staff, Mansour Yazbek, said that they "assist students, they are children and they are not involved in the war, but they are paying the price and we have to compensate and teach them in a way not to lose the opportunity of learning and knowledge."

"We are treating them as our kids and brothers," he confirmed.

"I am very pleased because I'm here, I learn everything and I am delighted to learn both French and English," a student said, expressing her respect and love to the teachers.

Another boy said that Syria is better, but Kfifan School is the best because they study languages and expand their knowledge.

The Syrian kids benefit from five daily periods in Kfifan School over the period of 6 months, then they can undergo a test to either enter Lebanese or Syrian schools in case their return to their country.


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