Friday 14 Mar 2025 - 12:00

07:28 pm


Boksmaya stands witness to the first human culture and embraces the oldest rock inscription in Lebanon


Reeport by: Ghassan Azar
Translated by   : Lina Yehya Reidan
Boksmaya, a town in Batroun area famous for its vine trees, is known by the temple built by the Romans to worship the god of wine, Bakhos. It is also known by an ancient Roman Palace which had been inhabited by princess Maya, and named after her. It is said that the name of the village is derived from a combination of both names Bakhos and Maya.
Bakhos Temple and Maya Palace are located on the highest hill of Boksmaya. The hill is an extension to Al Jouz River which connects Batroun and Koura regions on the northern border of the town.
The rocks from the Temple and the Palace ruins were used in building Saint Semaan Al Aamoudi Church in 1910. Some of the rocks were also used in building Saint Mary's Temple, known as Saint ABizaz, next to the Church.
One of the churches built on Al Jouz River banks in Batroun area was named after two Saints known as Bakhos and Sarkis Church.
Boksmaya is a historical tourism agricultural town at the center of Batroun Kaza and is one of the gates to Koura region.
Boksmaya is also considered a station that connects the recently built highway, which connects the coastline to Batroun city, to the mountainous area. The town is located at an altitude of 457 m and overlooks a mountain from the coast and Kfarhay village, where Saint John convent is located from the north.
Boksmaya is 11 km away from Batroun area, 59 km away from the capital Beirut and 37 km away from Tripoli.
Historical locations
Boksmaya prides itself by having many historical and religious locations, starting from the town's public square where a sanctuary built from old humongous rocks which back to the Roman era.
One of Boksmaya’s distinguished historical landmarks is "Kateen Alaatham " (bones place) found on the banks of Al-Jouz River which separates between Batroun and Koura Kazas.
It seems that location is named so because bones remains are preserved in rocks. The place contains also rock carvings of a queen embracing three (3) children, an indication to first signs of worshiping. The carving is considered one of the oldest rock carvings.
Worship places
The Church of Saint Semaan Al Aaamoudi, the patron Saint of the village, was built in 1910.
The ancient Church of Saint Al Bizaz was built over the basis of an idolatry Temple which was used, before Christianity, to worship the God of wine, Bakhos.
The monastic hermitages found on the banks of Al-Assi River, in Kadisha valley "Kanobeen" and on the banks of Al-Jouz River were places from which missionary activities started. That same period, the Church of the two martyrs Sarkis and Bakhos was built on AL-Jouz River bank followed by the convent of Saint Mary Church in Kaftoun; whereas Boksmaya  Church built about 900 years ago carried the name of the Mother of Light "Saint Mary The Virgin".
Boksmaya contains many other worshiping locations. The ancient old Church of Saint John at "Dahr Al-Taalab" "Foxes’ Back”. The Church of Saint Mary known as the Wondrous Poor Mary. The Church of Saint Gerges at Al Nahryeh region.
Archeologists and concerned people say that most of the ruins in the village are still buried and if excavated they will help in determining  the era at which they were founded; Moreover, Boksmaya contains many wells in addition to many other landmarks .
Al-Jouz River valley
Al-Jouz River valley is considered the vital vein of all the villages and towns that lie on its sides. It provides an economic and agricultural yield to Batroun and Koura Kaza. The Environment Ministry recognized the valley's importance and classified it as one of the natural cites under the Environment authority.
Over 70 ancient water mills are found on the banks of the river. But many of those mills need restoration to become tourism sites.
Lately, Boksmaya had its own municipality which consists of nine (9) members. Boksmaya mayor, Joseph Faheem Abi Fadel, is one of the founders of Batroun Kaza Mayor's League Immigration.
Many of the village citizens immigrated to the United States in 1882, later; others immigrated to Mexico, Brazil, Al Biro and Venezuela. And most recently many left to Australia and the Arab countries.
Citizens of Boksmaya are greatly concerned in preserving the village's ruins and having them mentioned in a tourism guide.
They also aim at preserving their ancient houses and beatifying their roads. To fulfill that aim, they organize yearly tree-planting campaigns. However; they still hope to organize such campaigns that target planting trees on both sides of the recently built highway that connects Batroun area to the coast line.
Moreover; Boksmaya citizens looks forward to strengthening communication with the expatriates through organizing a special day named "Expatriate Day".
Remarkable expatriates
Many of Boksmaya expatriates were distinguished in different fields in foreign countries which they took as their second home. However, their homeland was always in their minds and had remarkable deeds accomplished in it on the educational, economic, medical and political levels. Of those expatriates we mention, Youssef Hanna Jabbour who built an elementary public school in Boksmaya, Misk Al Khoury ,  funded building an intermediate public school, Semaan Massaad Fares, opened a school for teaching Arabic language to expatriates' children and others…..

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