Tuesday 01 Apr 2025 - 12:00

02:15 am


NNA - 

Time           Topic 

Elections of teachers’ councils at the invitation of the Teachers Union’s Executive Council. 

9:30 am     The General Secretariat of the House of Parliament, the Arab Institute for Parliamentary Training and Legislative Studies, the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace, and the Norwegian Center for Human Rights - University of Oslo, organize a workshop on “Promoting Human Rights Concepts in Lebanese Religious Confessional Courts” with the participation of judges, legal experts, clerics, ministers and MPs, as well as civil society organizations.

9:30 am    The organizing committee of “Beirut, Capital of Arab Youth 2023” launches the Arab Scout Youth Forum titled “Together to Empower Arab Youth”, which is organized by the Lebanese Scouts Union in conjunction with the second national scout camp “Tripoli brings us together”, under the patronage of Prime Minister Najib Mikati, at the Rachid Karami International Exhibition in Tripoli.

10:00 am     The Lebanese Army Command - Directorate of Orientation organizes a field tour for media professionals along the northern border, starting from Simon Shaheen Barracks - Akkar (Command of the First Land Border Regiment).

10:00 am      The National Science and Research Authority opens the activities of the “Beirut International Innovation Exhibition BIIS 2023” under the patronage of caretaker Minister of Labor, Mustafa Bayram, at the Higher Institute for Doctorate in Science and Technology - the Lebanese University, Rafik Hariri University Complex in Hadath. 

11:00 am     Opening of the 31st Beirut International Dental Conference under the patronage of House Speaker, Nabih Berri, at Beirut’s New Waterfront Center. 


Activities of the International and the Francophone Literary Festival “Beirut Books”, organized by the French Embassy, in cooperation with the French Cultural Center in Lebanon.

11:15 am     “A quarter of an hour for national reading” all of Lebanon reading.

6:00 pm     “Tarab” evening, a concert at the Sursock Museum.


5:00 pm     A seminar by Major General Abbas Ibrahim titled “The State and the Sectarian Crisis in Lebanon and the Necessity of Adhering to the Taif Agreement”, at the invitation of the Tawfiq Tabbara Center, at the Center’s headquarters - Al-Zarif- Beirut.

6:00 pm    L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Levant Regional Young Talents Ceremony, under the patronage and in the presence of Caretaker Minister of Information, Eng. Ziad Makary. The event is organized by L'Oréal Liban, in collaboration with the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon (CNRS), and will take place at the Middle East Airlines (MEA) training center in Beirut, during which six Arab women scientists will be honored

7:00 pm    The launch of the seventh session of “Karama - Beirut Human Rights Film Festival”, organized by the “961-Arts Association”, in cooperation with the United Nations Information Center in Beirut, and in partnership with the Czech Embassy in Beirut, and the International Labor Organization, at the “Dowar Al-Shams” theater - Tayouneh, under the title of “Hang On”.





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