NNA - Calm prevailed in the city of Tripoli amid a heavy deployment of army personnel, after the tension witnessed at night in the areas of Qobbeh, Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh, after a young man from the mountain stabbed a minor with a knife.
As a result, rumors spread that the minor was Syrian, and it was later revealed that he was from the town of Al-Nour. Gunfire was heard in the areas of Al-Qobbeh and Al-Jabal, which prompted army units to deploy heavily in areas of tension, especially in the neighborhoods of Al-Baqar and Al-Jabal and Syria Street separating Bab Al-Tabbaneh and Al-Jabal, and restored calm there.
In this context, the Alawite Islamic Council issued the following statement: “Civil peace and security stability are a red line, and in response to the security services’ request to hand over the young man, Ahmed Al-Baytar, we took the initiative to communicate with the young man, who responded positively to this request, and we have full confidence in the security services that they will carry out their duty with complete transparency to uncover the circumstances of the incident and reveal the truth.”
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