Saturday 06 Jul 2024 - 12:00

11:56 pm


Bassil: Presidential candidate must focus on protection of Lebanon and state building

NNA - Head of the Free Patriotic Movement MP. Gebran Bassil stressed that the presidential candidate must focus on two fundamental issues: The protection of Lebanon and State-building. He highlighted the efforts exerted by the FPM to find a common ground in the presidential file, and called for a dialogue that keeps on looking into the presidential file and that addresses issues related to the economy and the political system.

In an interview on LBCI’s “Vision 2030” Program, Bassil made it clear that he didn’t accept to live without partnership, for it was the essence of everything and its absence would undermine Lebanon's existence. “Shouldn’t the talks about the presidency make us tackle three fundamental issues? First, structural reforms to the economy and Lebanese model; second, the defense strategy and Lebanon’s neutralization; third, the Lebanese system in terms of amending the Taef Agreement and redressing its gaps by consensus among all Lebanese people”, he said.

While addressing the presidential file, Bassil pointed out that the current parliamentary balance would fail to elect a president without gaining a significant consensus. If a president was elected without consensus, he would be hindered and would fail. “I believe that we should reach a unanimous consensus on the president. Otherwise, we should opt for electing one, because it would be better than remaining in a presidential vacuum”, he said. He stressed the need to put an end to the ongoing emigration.

“We agree with those who believe that we should put an end to intransigence. We believe in achieving consensus. If we do not reach consensus, we shall proceed with presidential elections,” he said, highlighting that the FPM had launched a movement and had exerted efforts prior to October 7, 2023. Back then, they believed that they would be able to achieve this goal. Bassil then addressed the Shiite duo, saying that both sides should reach a compromise through dialogue and concertation, if they were serious about the matter. If there is no willingness to compromise, they should resort to serious election sessions, in which nobody interrupts anybody, and whoever wins the elections shall become president. When asked about potential candidates, Bassil stated that there were rejected candidates and acceptable ones, as well as candidates that could be taken into consideration. The General Director Brigadier Elias Al Baysari was one of those to be taken into consideration, noting that the Qataris had suggested him.

As for the call launched by Lebanese Speaker Nabih Berri to hold negotiations for the election of a president, Bassil said: “We should acknowledge that if such a thing happens, it will not turn into a custom in the future.”

When asked about the statement of the Head of the Marada Movement, Sleiman Frangieh, pertaining to the election of a president from the people, Bassil said: “It would be perfect if he can convince the Shiite duo to do so.” He explained that the FPM had submitted a constitutional amendment in 2014-2015, which provided that the elections shall take place in two sessions, the first session would be on a Christian level, and the second on a national level. Accordingly, the president would have a representation at both national and Christian levels. Bassil emphasized that the constitutional amendment had been submitted without any change of powers.

As for the Bkerki Initiative, Bassil said: “I am with the document. However, I consider it insufficient. Therefore, I ask for it to be supported by a written action plan in which it will be reflected. In fact, if the document is issued alone, it will definitely be serious, but it must be reflected through an effective action plan at all levels, so that it gains a national reach.”

“That document alone is great because it unites everyone theoretically, but it must be reflected through a real plan at political, parliamentary and media levels. The document must be national in character, because economic problems do not only affect Christians, but all Lebanese.”

Regarding the war in the south and the unity of lands, Bassil said: “We signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the protection of Lebanon, not the Liberation of Palestine.” He also pointed out that the 2006 July War and what was happening today in the south were not the same. “In 2006, two soldiers were kidnapped. That didn’t require the launch of a full-scale war on Lebanon. Yet Israel was preparing to launch a war on our country, and we were in a position to defend ourselves. However, what is happening today in the south is different, as the war is taking place in Gaza and Hezbollah has opened a Lebanese front to support it,” he explained. “I believe that Lebanese people do not want a war to be launched in Lebanon. Even the supporters of Hezbollah and its Secretary-General Leader Hassan Nasrallah do not want war,” he added, pointing out that Nasrallah considered this front to be a supporting front to Gaza, while Bassil considered it to be useless to Lebanon and that it might drag the country into war.

Regarding the “counting” matter that Nasrallah had talked about, Bassil said he didn’t believe that Nasrallah meant to talk about numbers. Prior to the Memorandum of Understanding, Nasrallah had talked in a statement about numbers. However, after signing the Memorandum of Understanding, Bassil said that the FPM had insisted on introducing the consensus democracy model thereto. The other party agreed and implemented it practically, but the FPM disagreed with them once they breached it. He said Hezbollah’s Secretary-General did not talk about countning in terms of internal balance. “I believe he does not think like that and knows that Lebanon’s nature does not allow it to be governed by numbers. Diversity is not related to the number of Christians because their role surpasses their number”, he added.

Bassil pointed out that Hezbollah couldn't rely on a balance of deterrence that would put an end to Israel’s arrogance. He considered that the plan of American mediator Amos Hochstein could be one way out of the crisis. According to Bassil, Hochstein loves Lebanon and wants to help the country, but he certainly cares for Israel.  What’s happening shows that we are going back to 2006. Bassil believes that the war’s outcome in Lebanon is definitely negative. “The land border issue concerns us, yet we do not think it is worth starting a war since the agreement pertaining to it has already been made.” He noted that war is launched to defend ourselves or to acquire entity rights that cannot be abandoned. “For example, I consider the displaced Syrians' file part of the conflict with Israel, in terms of mass displacement and its role in the Israeli ideology. What’s happening in Arab countries is part of the plan to protect Israel”, he said.

As for his optimism regarding the initiative of US President Joe Biden, Bassil pointed out that Biden's proposal was a declaration of Hamas' victory and Israel's defeat. “I believe that the complexities of the war in Gaza are endless. It is a fundamental card to the US elections. There is no solution for Israel except the two-state solution”.

Concerning displaced Syrians, Bassil considered that the solution was to acknowledge those who are illegally present in Lebanon, to abide by the laws, and for the municipalities to carry out their functions. “We must prevent offences, prevent offenders, and return families to their homeland. Syrian workers shall stay in Lebanon for work, but their families must return to Syria,” he stated. Bassil then addressed illegal border-crossings and confirmed that they were well-known. He also reaffirmed that the Lebanese Army should control borders. "If Lebanon had followed Erdogan's example, Europe would have stood at our peril.”

Concerning the economic crisis and following more than two years since the agreement with the IMF, Bassil said: “Some believe that the rentier economy will be restored by leaving things unaddressed. Others thought that the crisis we went through could help us establish a new economic system, yet this did not happen.”

“We are threatened by a new catastrophe: Eurobonds, Cash economy, and our possible classification on the grey list”, he said, adding that President Nabih Berri could call for a meeting to pass reform projects and complete the agreement with the IMF. Otherwise, we would be threatened by a new catastrophe. He stressed on the importance of the agreement with the IMF, explaining that we were under siege, and that we could negotiate not for money but for a “seal.”

Bassil believes that banks and the State should be the ones to bear the losses in the first place. According to him, acting Central Bank Governor Wassim Mansouri’s “fair distribution of losses” proposition was not bad. “I am with the idea of reconfiguring funds to restore deposits; establishing a trust fund for example.”

Bassil Considered his relationship with President Nabih Berri and the Amal movement better than it used to be, highlighting its positivity that might hopefully be reflected in several areas, such as reforms. “There are inevitable political differences, but our principles lead us to differences, while our realism leads us to communicating with the people we disagree with, especially to find a solution to the presidential file,” he said.

When it comes to FPM internal matters, Bassil stressed that the FPM was a movement by nature, and it included groups that have come together for national objectives. Democracy has prevailed in this party ever since. He affirmed that addressing FPM matters in the media was proof that this party was still being targeted and was a crucial element of Lebanese politics.

According to him, the problem resided in freedom turning into a mess. “When we reach a political resolution and have to vote in Parliament, we cannot allow people to express themselves independently within the party. If we allow this to happen, the FPM will no longer be one movement, but will become several ones, which is inacceptable”, he explained.

“Lately, some deputies have considered that they had a special entity that allowed them not to commit. However, this situation started to escalate. We care for everyone, but we cannot allow such a situation to prevail. We have our own internal system that deals with similar situations. We were forced to handle the situation in order to prevent chaos. “One deputy has been dismissed while another has been referred to the Council of Elders. The case is pending and must be closed either with his dismissal or with his adherence to the decisions and policies of the FPM”, Bassil said.

“One commits to the FPM and to its decision and policies. It has nothing to do with the Head of the party. We take our decisions by consensus and through consultation. We conduct meetings every week. To those who care about the FPM, I assure you that we will come back stronger. What is happening is beneficial in terms of diversity, as well as to control and prevent chaos. We shall keep going”, he concluded.





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