Sunday 07 Jul 2024 - 12:00

01:24 pm


NNA - Lebanese Forces Party Leader, Samir Geagea, met on Saturday with UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, after returning from New York to participate in the renewal of UNIFIL's mandate in the Security Council this year.

During the meeting, Geagea welcomed the decision to extend UNIFIL's mission, calling for "the necessity of building on this positivity."

He expressed his lack of pessimism "in light of the positive factors that have recently begun to roam over Lebanon's horizon."

Geagea reiterated that the solution to electing a President of the Republic is through returning to “constitutional life and opening successive sessions in the Parliament to ensure the completion of the presidential entitlement.”

The LF Chief handed Wronecka a copy of the joint petition signed by a group of parliament representatives, human rights and humanitarian associations in Lebanon and the world, demanding that the file of missing Lebanese in Syrian prisons be included within the jurisdiction of the Independent Institution for Missing Persons in Syria, hoping that it would be submitted to the office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and that it would seek to achieve this demand, which the majority of the Lebanese agree on it.






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