Monday 01 Jul 2024 - 12:00

06:34 am


President Aoun tackles array of issues with Justice, Tourism Ministers and UN Special Coordinator, chairs cabinet session in Baabda

NNA - President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, chairs a Cabinet session this afternoon at 3:00pm. The session is called for by Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, and will tackle an 18-item agenda. The most prominent agenda items are the proposal of the Interior Ministry to study the adoption of the Mega Center mechanism in the upcoming parliamentary elections, and the Justice Ministry’s presentation of the recommendations of the ministerial committee formed to consider the issue of building the wheat blocks in Beirut Port which are at the risk of collapsing. The Council of Ministers will also discuss the presentation of the Displaced Ministry to activate the file of the return of displaced Syrians to their homeland.

Justice Minister:

The President received Justice Minister, Henry Khoury, today at the Presidential Palace.

Ministerial affairs and deliberations in ministerial committees were discussed, in addition to the Mega Center issue.

The difficulties facing the work of courts in current stressful economic and living conditions were also addressed in the meeting.

Tourism Minister:

The President met Tourism Minister, Engineer Walid Nassar, the Consul of Lebanon in Tuscany (Italy) Charbel Shbeir and his brother Paul. Projects discussed by Minister Nassar during his recent visit to Florence and the meetings he held with Italian officials to discuss tourism cooperation between Lebanon and Italy were deliberated, in addition to activities carried out by Consul Shbeir in the cultural, tourism and spiritual fields, and his care for the Lebanese community in Tuscany.

President Aoun praised the efforts made by Consul Shbeir to enhance communication between the resident Lebanon and the diaspora, considering that such achievements maintain the relationship between the Lebanese abroad and their motherland.

UN Special Coordinator:

President Aoun met the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Mrs. Joanna Wronecka, and discussed with her the broad outlines of the briefing that she intends to submit to the UN Security Council on March 17th on the situation in Lebanon and regarding the implementation of Resolution 1701.

President Aoun reiterated Lebanon’s commitment to implementing Resolution 1701 and supporting the work of “UNIFIL” in coordination with the Lebanese army. The President also asserted his commitment to work on holding the parliamentary elections on time next May 15, and to follow up on negotiations with the International Monetary Fund to approve the economic and financial recovery plan.

For her part, Ambassador Wronecka expressed her satisfaction with the support she received from the President in her work as the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon.

MP Boustany:

The President Aoun received MP Dr. Farid Boustany and discussed with him political affairs, recent developments, and the upcoming elections.

The meeting tackled Shouf developmental needs, especially the issue of Deir El-Qamar Governmental Hospital, which MP Boustany is continuing to accelerate, especially in light of the Kuwaiti grant amounting to two million US dollars.

MP Boustany indicated that during the meeting, President Aoun called the President of the Council for Development and Reconstruction, Engineer Nabil Al-Jisr, and asked him to expedite the completion of the work in the hospital, which constitutes an essential need for the people of the Shouf region and an essential place for achieving health care.

In addition, MP Boustany stated that he is continuing to work to complete this vital and necessary project for the people of the region, hoping to launch it as soon as possible.

Finally, MP Boustany praised President Aoun’s care for development projects despite the difficult economic and financial conditions which Lebanon is going through.--Presidency Press Office 





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