Friday 28 Jun 2024 - 12:00

12:50 am


Security update: Enemy airstrikes escalate tensions in Southern Lebanon

NNA - The Israeli enemy on Thursday unleashed a barrage of incendiary bombs on the outskirts of the southern Lebanese towns of Naqoura, Jabal al-Labouneh, Alma Al-Shaab, Al-Bustan, and Ayta Al Shaab. 

Additionally, enemy reconnaissance aircraft hovered over villages in the districts of Tyre and Bint Jbeil, while enemy forces launched flares above the bordering Lebanese villages adjacent to the Blue Line. 

Yesterday witnessed a significant escalation on the southern front as enemy warplanes bombed villages and towns in the south that had not been targeted since the beginning of the events. 

Meanwhile, tension and caution prevail in the villages of the western and middle sectors.






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