Thursday 27 Jun 2024 - 12:00

09:40 pm


President of the Russian Republic of Chechnya offers condolences to Morocco

NNA - The President of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, offered his condolences to Moroccan King Mohammed VI and the entire Moroccan people for the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco, according to "Russia Today".

Kadyrov said on Telegram: “I offer my sincere condolences to King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the entire Moroccan people, and to everyone who lost loved ones as a result of this disaster. Today we share with all of you your plight. We ask God Almighty to inspire you with patience and strength to pass this difficult test and to help everyone who finds themselves in distress and a hopeless situation."

He also expressed his hope that Morocco, “thanks to the unity and steadfastness of its people, will be able to overcome all difficulties and adversities.”

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin also offered his condolences to King Mohammed VI of Morocco for the victims of the devastating earthquake.



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