NNA - The trade union coordinating body and Progressive Socialist Party commemorated Saturday forty days since the passing of Kamal Youssef Shayya at UNESCO Palace, whereby caretaker Minister of Social Affairs Wael Abou Faour described him as an embodiment of Kamal Jumblatt's vision for community builders.
Abou Faour vowed to Shayya that the PSP would continue to be true to its home and affiliation without being derailed by politics or interests from calling for social justice and social responsibility.
"The unity of the trade union is the basis which we must preserve," he said, "the message of Walid Jumblatt to the coordinating body is to conserve its unity, because it is one of the few remaining foundations for unity of the nation."
The PSP kept its reservations on the issue of wage scale augmentation due to fears that it would negatively affect the financial situation of the state. However, Abou Faour acknowledged that the state's argument was made feeble with unmonitored extravagant spending done elsewhere.
"We hope that House deliberations would reach a clear and fair basis for all without jeopardizing the stability of the state."
He concluded by expressing the pride of the PSP in the late Shayya as a man with mental, ethical and work competence.
Abou Faour eulogizes Shayya, says he is pride of trade union
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