Saturday 15 Mar 2025 - 12:00

01:30 pm


Theatrical activity at University of Alba Theater raises funds for restoration of Sursock Palace

NNA - The free-vol amateur theater, in cooperation with the Sursock Palace Association, presented a comedy show at the Alba University Theater - Dekwaneh, in which theater and art stars participated to collect donations for the restoration of Sursock Palace in Achrafieh after it was severely damaged as a result of the explosion that hit the Beirut port on August 4. 2020. 

The event was attended by a crowd of interested people, as well as academic, cultural, and social personalities.

After the Lebanese national anthem, the President of the Sursock Palace Society, Mr. Roderick Cochrane, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the attendees and thanked everyone who contributed to this important activity regarding the restoration of this historical cultural and civilizational edifice in Lebanon. 

“I am pleased to see this remarkable presence in this meeting, and I will say a few words about the Sursock Palace Association, as it was established shortly after the devastating explosion of the Beirut port on August 4, 2020. This explosion greatly destabilized the structure of the palace and completely destroyed the interior decorations.

The damages are several million dollars and all the activities we have done

In order to collect support and donations that we have organized in the gardens is not enough to restore it,” Cochrane said, adding that the aim of the association is precisely to raise funds and supervise the work, which will easily take 4 to 5 years in the best case.

“The mansion is certainly a family property, but it is equally a wonderful and historic home and an example of the diversity of cultures the community has. It is precisely for this reason that the palace, once restored, will become a private museum open to the public just like many heritage homes in Europe,” Cochrane added. 

"We are going through a critical phase, as fascist ideas risk changing the cultural face of Lebanon. It is precisely our duty to fight these malicious ideas by preserving Lebanon's diversity and tolerance. Our presence here this evening is due primarily to the generosity of the Amateur de théâtre Free Vol, which through this activity, collects donations and the proceeds fully realized for the restoration of Sursock Palace. The Sursock Palace Society is honored to be a guest on this theatrical performance. Therefore, I extend my gratitude and sincere thanks to Sandra Mochachen and all the members of her troupe, who generously contributed their time and energy to the production of this fine artistic play. I would also like to thank the administration of Alba University for providing this comfortable hall. and Tblrers for providing a toast to the occasion. Thanks also to Ihjoz who took care of our online reservations and for the Cultural Agenda, which relayed the information to all its members, as well as Lebtivity, which did the same in social media. Thanks to my assistant Jessica, who worked to promote the event. Last but not least, thanks to all those who bought tickets to participate and support,” Cochrane concluded. 





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