NNA - Caretaker Minister of Education and Higher Learning, Hassan Diab, chaired Thursday a meeting devoted to tackle the stages thus far achieved in the project on children's Internet safety at Lebanon's public schools.
"Children's Internet safety aims to create a safer environment for a safe Internet use in Lebanon, through diagnosing the problem and its related risks, and to promote the level of public awareness on the advantages of Internet use on one hand and the impact of the related dangers on children's growth and safety on the other," Diab explained.
He added that this project also aims to help develop instructors' skills and capacities so that they would, in turn, help children use the Internet safely.
He said this project complemented the educational and pedagogic policy upon which the plan on education development in Lebanon was set.
It is to note that the project is included in the frame of regular training sessions and that the concepts of children's safe Internet use are now being integrated in the Lebanese official syllabus.