Tuesday 02 Jul 2024 - 12:00

11:16 pm


UNDP, EU partner on waste management support in Lebanon

NNA - The United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) and the European Union (EU) in Lebanon are partnering to improve the environmental and financial sustainability of the waste management sector in Lebanon. The “Towards a Decentralised Waste Management Integrated Response (TaDWIR) in Lebanon” initiative is funded by the EU and will be implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and other relevant national stakeholders including non-governmental organisations, local communities and the private sector.

Waste management is a critical development challenge in Lebanon, a serious source of environmental degradation, as well as a potential threat to public health . TaDWIR specifically targets some of the most dangerous types of waste in the country, such as medical waste. In addition, green waste, cardboard and paper waste, as well as potentially other types of residual waste that result from material recovery facility, will  be targeted within the framework of this parnership.  

The 2020 “State of the Environment in Lebanon” report concluded that Lebanon’s waste management cannot become resilient nor sustainable unless it is underpinned by a firm system of governance and cost recovery. In this respect, this new programme of work will also focus on reducing the amount of waste disposed,  improving the quality of waste and introducing national systems for cost-recovery.  

“Environmental protection and the elimination of pollution are at the heart of the European Green Deal, and key pillars of the EU’s efforts in Lebanon. Through TaDWIR, the EU will contribute to improving both the governance and the operational sides of waste management, so to reduce the negative impact of waste on the health and wellbeing of Lebanon’s population, and to foster the sector’s long term sustainability, all the while involving and empowering key public and private stakeholders.” Alessia Squarcella, EU Delegation in Lebanon - Deputy Head of Cooperation.

“Addressing issues related to environmental management and reform needs to remain a priority in Lebanon, and an integral part of building the country forward. Particularly, waste management is a critical pillar of environmental management, given its impact on the wellbeing and health of the communities residing in Lebanon, and the country’s natural resources. The new partnership with the European Union is therefore timely to continue our efforts in strengthening Lebanon’s environmental governance and in providing concrete solutions to some of waste streams in the country”  added Celine Moyroud, UNDP Resident Representative.

UNDP’s strategy in Lebanon focuses on several aspects of environmental governance including the effective management of waste and wastewater, the improvement and protection of water resources, and the provision of access to clean energy sources at the central and decentralized levels. UNDP continues to advocate for the integration of environmental and climate considerations into Lebanon’s response to the crisis, with a focus on supporting green recovery that benefit people and planet. -- UNDP Lebanon 



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