NNA - MP Tony Frangieh, accompanied by Attorney Ziad al-Khazen, visited Bkirki on Sunday, where they participated in the Divine Liturgy headed by Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi.
Following the Mass service, MP Frangieh met with Patriarch al-Rahi who expressed his keenness on the new government's receiving of confidence votes so that it can begin its work and carry out its required tasks.
"Lebanon has entered a new political phase, the launch of which we believe must be from Bkirki as it represents a pivotal national juncture we always look towards," Frangieh said.
The MP reiterated his party's support from day one to President Aoun's term, as Lebanon faces a real opportunity that hopefully will lead to rebuilding, modernizing, and developing its institutions with the capabilities and competencies of Lebanese youth. He stressed that the Independent National Bloc's granting of confidence to the government is not linked to its representation in cabinet, but rather to the ministerial statement and what it will include.
Frangieh considered that the remarks on the government fall within the framework of failing to deal with all Lebanese forces in unified standards, which created a kind of discretion at a time when the country is most in need of unity among its components, bearing in mind that the cabinet includes competencies that can be relied upon to build the country and give hope to the Lebanese.
In response to a question about the recent attacks on the "UNIFIL" forces, MP Franjieh considered that they are "unacceptable" to any patriotic Lebanese, renewing the demand for justice to take its course to the fullest especially that Lebanon's relationship with the international community, particularly the United Nations, cannot be compromised.
Frangieh considered that through wisdom, dialogue, calm, and political capability all issues can be addressed and resolved, while emphasizing that the state must suppress any tension or violation of the laws and the judiciary must take its course.