Sunday 07 Jul 2024 - 12:00

09:00 am


Hankach discusses Syrian refugee crisis with Chairman of Cypriot Parliamentary Committee on Foreign and European Affairs

NNA - During a visit to Cyprus, MP Elias Hankach of the Kataeb Bloc met with the Chairman of the Cypriot Parliamentary Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Harris Georgiades. 

He presented Georgiades with a policy paper developed by the Kataeb Party to address the Syrian crisis in Lebanon.

Hankach explained in detail, with facts and figures, the complexities of the issue and its impact on Lebanon, including its infrastructure, Lebanese demographics, and security risks due to the rising crime rates committed by refugees.

Georgiades valued the information Hankach provided and fully understood the concerns he raised. He recognized the scale of the problem and emphasized the need for a quick solution.

Hankach expressed his appreciation for the prompt action taken by Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides, who will visit Lebanon for the second time on Thursday accompanied by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to find a swift solution to the crisis with the relevant Lebanese authorities. 

He hoped this would be a step towards a partnership that would amplify Lebanon's voice internationally and explain its position on the Syrian refugee crisis.

At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached to establish an operational plan and a roadmap to address the crisis with the European Union in a working meeting that could take place in the European Parliament in Brussels or another agreed location.

 This would provide a detailed explanation of the intricacies and implications of the crisis for both Lebanon and Europe, to reach sustainable solutions. 

The agreement aims to avoid any hasty handling of the matter, as the crisis poses a shared risk to both Lebanon, Europe, and Cyprus. --- LBC English




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