Sunday 02 Jun 2024 - 12:00

10:12 pm


Nadim Gemayel: No signs for new cabinet formation

NNA - Member of Parliament Nadim Gemayel, said that there are no signs in the horizon that a new cabinet will be formed in light of intentions to push all military, security, governmental and constitutional institutions to vacuum, expressing fear of having "vacuum in the Republic Presidency ".

Hizbullah shoulders the biggest part of the responsibility of the current situation in Lebanon, Gemayel told "Voice of Lebanon- Dbayeh" on Tuesday , adding Hizbullah's use their weapons at the interior scene to cause an intimidation atmosphere to impose their terms over the governmental formula.

He considered that the missiles that fell at Baabda are a clear message to the President Michel Sleiman to impose terror equilibrium, stressing that such acts will not make the President back from his national positions.

Talking about Daraya incident, the MPwas not astonished of having such cells in Lebanon as the citizens ' security is neglected.

Gemayel refused the leak of investigations and its use in favor of a certain party, stressing on the need of keeping all investigations confidential.


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