Tuesday 02 Jul 2024 - 12:00

06:06 pm


Hajjar advocates homogeneous, impartial cabinet

NNA - Future bloc MP, Mohammad Hajjar, on Thursday touted the formation of a neutral and homogeneous cabinet comprising of competent and non-provocative figures.

"We don't wish to isolate Hezbollah, but all political parties should be willing to make compromises for the nation's best interest," Hajjar told the Voice of Lebanon radio station, only to deprecate what he described as Hezbollah's nonchalance for national partners.

He deemed that fact that Hezbollah was getting Lebanon involved in external conflicts "an outright threat to Lebanon's internal unity."

Hajjar said that his party rejected the way Hezbollah was serving the projects and designs of its "trainer and financer" under the excuse of "resisting the Israeli enemy."

The lawmaker also deplored the state of political void at the internal scene, and said that he had called on the Lebanese President to swiftly form a cabinet capable of handling all the nation's pending issues.


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